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Unban Appeal - sjc9014 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Billy Gonzalez
Steam ID: 76561199507774090
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16935
Ban Reason: C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: It was explained to me in game by gods that the reason for my ban was passing items to a friend who was in proximity to me but behind glass
Why should we unban you: I would like to give context to the situation, I was detained in pillbox after an incident, my friend was outside pillbox. My friend text me in game telling me to pass him my weapon. Without a moments hesitation I walked over to the door and passed him my weapon and ammo.

What has led to my ban, unfolded VERY quickly and was genuinely just a lapse of judgement on my part. It was never my intention to deliberately exploit any sort of system and I basically just followed someones instruction without taking a moment to think about the logic/physics of that situation IRL. Having had some time to reflect on my action I feel incredibly foolish for not taking a moment to sort of consider that physics/logic aspect of the interaction which has led to my ban. I can honestly say it was just a very rushed lapse of judgement in a situation and in no way malicious, in no way was there any sort of intent to game the system as it were, I just acted without thinking and its a very hard pill to swallow but I fully acknowledge in hindsight that it was an action that affected the RP in that situation and really should have given the situation a bit of consideration at the time instead of just acting. I didn't really pay attention to the fact the door he was stood behind was locked and this obviously defies physics.

The first reason I would like to lay out is that this was not an intentional, calculated exploit and instead just a lack of judgement on the physics and logic of a situation and a mental blank spot. The second reason I would like to lay out is that I can say I have genuinely learnt from my error and the lesson is to really take more care in calculating the reality of a situation rather than just acting on impulse because its integral to maintaining the integrity quality RP which I actually care about. The final reason is that I genuinely love this city, I want to take this as a learning curve and to continue to contribute to the city. I have never been a trouble maker and have built SUCH good relationships with the city's inhabitants and I really really do not want to lose everything that was and could be over a split second decision that lacked due care. I know i can be better and honestly just want the opportunity to demonstrate that.

Yours respectfully. Billy G.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @sjc9014

I hope all is well today :)

When you were on the roof with staff why didn't you mention this text message?

The story yourself and your friends all said was you roleplayed it as "a crack in the glass" but there is no mention of that here. Why has the story changed?
Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. All is well on my end and I hope it is on yours also.

Everything happened very quickly. Upon review, you will undoubtedly see me pull my phone out a second before I approach the door which is when I received the prompt to pass my stuff over. And to clarify, I am not blaming the other person's order for my misdemeanor, the fact is I still took the action without giving it a second thought at that moment and not for a second did I consider it falling under the ground of exploiting but having had a week to reflect on it and to re-read the rules, the action falls under just that, that's the first problem, the second is that had I been searched following the action, it would have affected the RP in the situation. Unfortunately I acted without thinking of either of those problems my action posed and I deeply regret not pausing and giving it a bit of thought.

I'd also like to clarify that upon being teleported to the roof, my response was that I simply didn't think it through logically. I believe you will again see upon review that the other player on the roof mentioned a gap or crack where as my only statement was that I'd clearly made a mistake without thinking, my story has not actually changed and hopefully that clears up the other players input on the situation from mine.

I appreciate the time the staff are taking on the matter and thank you for your response.
How much does gear mean to you?
How much does gear mean to you?
Hey John. Gear comes and goes, sometimes I can definitely feel too protective or invested in it but it really does just come and go and that's the nature of it wether I like it or not. Quality RP matters more than any gear does though and on this occasion I let myself and others down by not thinking the sit through. I don't believe gear of any value should change our behaviour regardless of the grind we put in for it. Consistent RP > items (regardless of value)
Give me an insight into your character story,

I see you stated Consistent RP > Items HOWEVER, your characters should be full bodied with motivations, goals and things they enjoy.

What is your character is motivated by?

What are your characters goals?

What does your character enjoy?

Items are there to be collected/sought after but should not be worth breaking rules over.
I would also like you to state the rule you broke (C2.2) and why you think we have this rule in place.
Thanks for your reply. From the outset my character has been a bit of an oddball frequently having humorous interactions with citizens and known for his street fighting talents and one liners. My initial goal was to become known to all gangs and businesses in the city, liase have fun and build a network of friends. I achieved this pretty quickly and then started learning more about the economy. My character is passionate about cars and I soon became interested in buying and modifying cars to sell, I have been pretty successful in this venture and it combines my passion with meeting new people and I regularly get calls asking if I have any motors for sale and have build a good reputation of trust with citizens with regards to those dealings. Fairly recently a new crew arrived in the city calling themselves the rising suns. At first glance I thought it was just another gang but this crew was different. Their primary purpose was to revive the street racing scene in the city and once I learned this I joined them and if able to return to the city I would like to continue that goal of reviving the street racing scene amongst civilians, gangs, and emergency workers and businesses as its something everybody can get involved in and again is linked to my passion for cars. Longer term, my ambition is to cement myself as a trusted go to guy for cars and my vision is to own my own dealership, contributing to the economy whilst networking. That doesn't mean that after the doors close I won't still be frequenting underground fight circuits of course. I've still got a lot to do and to offer the city.

The rule that was broken was C2.2 exploiting

This rule is in place to prevent people from duplicating money/ items or from breaking game animations, passing items through walls and glitching gameplay. This is to prevent people from gaming the system and gaining an unfair advantage either gaining additional items or money through means not intended or using exploits to gain advantages in roleplay situations.
I think the point has been hammered home enough.

Any further exploiting you likely won’t come back from.
