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Unban Appeal - Simon MacMillan - GTA RP

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Simon MacMillan

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Over there
Unban Appeal for Simon MacMillan 

In-game Name: Greg Johnson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198152788230

Ban ID: !!rpuk8304!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3, C1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Around 8-9 months ago I attempted to permanently kill my crim character at the time, towards the end of the (I believe) 2 day situation, I was caught and then killed, instead of waiting to bleed out to log off the server, I logged off once I felt that the roleplay was over, little did I know this was combat logging. Fast forward a bit, I opened a Discord ticket asking to get something put on a vehicle I had on the character thinking what I did was fine with all parties involved, but I was wrong, following a month long discussion/debate with staff leads and TBJ which during this time I was not allowed to play the character as told by TBJ. Towards the end of the month long ticket, I grew impatient and played the character which ended up making things an awful lot worse and long story short, I then received a ban for combat logging and common sense.

6 months ago, I appealed the ban ( https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/139324-unban-appeal-simon-macmillan-gta-rp/ ) and because of my behaviour within the ticket, I was rightfully denied and extended to 6 months.

Why should we unban you ?: Well. Like I said 6 months ago in my last appeal, I fucked up and broke the rules. I have since spent the last 7 months regretting my actions and my behaviour, as well as doing what Sammy told me to do in my last appeal, I've since worked on myself on a personal level and have learned to not get attached to small stupid shit like a video game character. In the time I had in the community (from June last year until February-March this year) I met some fantastic people in every little corner and group within the community, from members of gangs, to members of the LSPS, to staff and management.

I would like a second chance to make up for my foolish behaviour in whatever way I can.

Final note: The apology I gave in my last appeal still stands.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Whilst I understand after a while it may seem long you also have to keep in mind that we are extremely busy, More so Staff Leads / Management so in this case indeed it took a bit longer and this is why you was informed by us not to play on that character. Now for this you was trying to be helped however you did throw that back in our face and have threw your toys out of the pram.

This leads me to my question, If a member of the staff team or management give you simple instructions not to do something how can we be sure you will actually listen should we offer you another chance? 

Hello Stuart, I appreciate the quick response. 

I'd like to start by apologising for being so impatient, I was foolish for abusing the trust that was placed in me by the Staff Leads and Management.

I'll be honest, I can only give my word and promise that I will listen to the Staff Team and/or Management when given explicit instructions and I can also promise that I'm not in the same mind set that I was all those months ago. I've spent the last couple of months kicking myself for my actions and behaviour and reflecting on what I could've done differently. I've been away from the community for 6-7 months now and I have missed what the community provides and I am certain I will not let history repeat itself by letting the Staff Team and Management down.

Very well, Lets talk about the combat logging aspect of the ban, Can you explain why you decided to do this and what lead upto you breaking this rule please?

I'll be honest, at the time, it didn't occur to me that I would be violating the combat logging rule, as the roleplay was over so there was no need to extend the bleed out timer. I had zero intention of extending the bleed out timer regardless. It was a moment of poor judgement. I was undecided on whether I was going to perm the character or not, and in hindsight I should've just continued with it as all of this would've been avoided. I realise that it was a rule break, but it wasn't done with any malicious intent, more a lapse of judgement.

But this is stated within the rule itself, So did you even read the rules prior to the ticket and more so before you we're banned?

In a whole have you even read our Community and GTA rules fully? If you please quote both rules you have broken and in your own words explain why you believe we have such rules in place please. 

I had read the rules numerous times within the time I was apart of the community for as I said previously, it didn't occur to me at the time that I had violated the Combat Logging rule, anyway, the Combat Logging rule as stated:

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

And the Common Sense rule is as follows: 

(C1.7) Common Sense - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. 

Allow me to start with the Combat Logging rule - It is in place to prevent people from extending the bleed out timer in order to save gear and/or information which can be later used in roleplay by allowing a medic ample time to reach their location to resuscitate them, using this situation as an example, I could've used the information of who killed me to snitch on them to the police or members of the gang I used to be apart of or hunted them down only to attempt to return the favour. It is also in place to prevent people from escaping certain in character punishments, i.e. possible death that can occur during a firefight/brawl and getting caught and arrested by the police.

The Common Sense rule is there as stated, every possibility cannot be defined within rules, so it's us to use our own initiative when it comes to the situations we face in and out of the server, as an example, if you're waiting on a decision from a member of staff or management, use common sense and do what they've told you to do.

Okay, it goes without saying that any further instructions from staff must be followed without question. 

I do however believe that you were conflicted and you made a very bad decision, one that you can redeem yourself from. 

I will be unbanning you as of now.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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