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Unban Appeal - sebee - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for sebee 

In-game Name: Basil Boggus

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198965171259

Ban ID: !!rpuk6508!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: disconnecting whilst dead and handcuffed

Why should we unban you ?: (re-opening my ban appeal since it was wrongly closed, telling me to appeal after 1 month. Even though I already have, since I was banned on 21/12/21)

The way by which my friends and I were killed was completely unjust and against RP
About 8 of us pulled up on 2 police officers pulled over at the side of the road, 1 out of the vehicle at the time - repairing his car.
We had machetes at the first officer's head and told him to put his hands up or we would use force.
I came from the side and wasn't being targeted by the officer. So he was surrounded and if he shot at one of us he would be stabbed
There was a brief peace period with no violence, so I assumed that they (from the action of the one guy out of the car) were complying.
Then this officer started hitting me in the head with the stock of his gun, which made me unable to return any of my own hits, and the other got out of the car and began rolling on the floor evading us and shooting a taser at approx. 4 people swinging machetes at him... which eventually resulted in his death

To sum up, the first officer had his gun out but was surrounded, so should RP and fear for his life, and his partner should also not get out of the car with a weapon drawn out of fear for his and his partners' life. (as well as the way the defence from the officers being unrealistic, with backwards rolling and wild spraying of an AR)

I have no footage to provide as evidence but hope to not be permanently banned as I want to continue playing this server with my friends, but do accept that a less significant ban may still be applied.
I also accept that we may both be in the wrong and that their wrongdoing doesn't make mine acceptable

In no other scenario would I leave the game, but in the moment I didn't think that if I stayed in the game there would be any justice, as I believed the other officers would just cover up for them, so thought that leaving would be the only way for me to have a chance.
It was an emotional decision that came after an accumulation of failed robbery scenarios throughout the night, and is one that I wouldn't make again.
I now know that staying in the game would've provided better resolution and regret how I dealt with the situation.
Ultimately, I only had the chance to play on this server for a few days and really enjoyed it so hope my time isn't up yet.
I haven't been on another server since, because this is the only enjoyable one I have found, so I ask for genuine consideration with my request.

I want to add, that after going through this process, I am certain I will do nothing of the sort again, as it's a pretty gruelling process, that I will make sure I don't have to repeat.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

i continue to roleplay for the duration of the situation. then i’d use ooc to contact an admin and try to explain the problem to them somewhere other than ooc. if needed i would also record what happened

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting.

This rule is in place to maintain a good standard of RP, by preventing players from escaping the repercussions of a bad scenario, which usually ranges from being killed to being robbed of their items.

If this rule was not in place it would remove the risk that comes with some situations, which would completely detach the player from their in-game character, therefore make the roleplay experience less realistic.   

What can you bring to the community if I give you another chance? 

I can bring a fun, engaging RP experience to the server, and I will now definitely make sure that scenarios play out, regardless of if I think rules have been broken. 

I also hope to bring a new well known face to the server as I would be playing quite regularly. 

Very well. 
I will give you another shot, do not waste it. I will be wiping your inventory and unban you.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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