Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Steven Fishcakes
Steam ID: 76571199233793415
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19157
Ban Reason: G2.4
Why do you think you were banned: In my opinion, I was think I was banned due to me breaking the NVL rule, I was held at gunpoint by many people at the same time and I didn't comply, I did this twice in a very short time and was rightfully so banned for my actions.
Why should we unban you: The reasons I believe I should be unbanned is that I feel like in the moment It was a very very stupid mistake as I like playing on RPUK and scenario like that has ruined my chance to play on RPUK anymore, I feel now with the benefit of hindsight and reading over the reports that we're made against me, I am now admitting I was in the wrong and now pleading my case in a unban appeal to get back into the city, I have taken some amount of months to write this appeal and you may ask why and the reason would be simply that around the first month after getting banned I thought i'd take a break from playing on FIVEM just in general and then after that I was just so busy with work and school, I just didn't really have the time to sit down and carefully write a unban appeal where I felt it was good enough to plead my case, Now that I have a bit more time on my hands I am here apologising asking for another chance as I did enjoy RPUK and my friends also play on the server.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes