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Unban Appeal - seb1106 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Steven Fishcakes
Steam ID: 76561199233793415
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk18479
Ban Reason: Exploiting (C2.2)
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for exploiting my friends through a shut door.
Why should we unban you: I should be unband because we are all humans we make mistakes and I made a mistake without realizing I had made one while having fun on the server with my friends. I believe I should have a second chance as I enjoy Roleplay.co.uk and I have taken some time to self-reflect and think about what I have done and not to do it again. I would really appreciate a second chance on this server as I didn't realize what I was doing at the time was wrong as I was in the moment. Hope you understand.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Exploiting bans normally come with a cooldown of 6 months.

I'll give you one chance to tell me why we shouldn't apply that cooldown to you, especially since you're a new player and the circumstances of your ban scream to me that you were just trying to cause issues at Pillbox.
Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself. I want to start by apologizing for what I have done. I never meant to cause issues for other players at Pillbox. I am still getting used to roleplay and this was a poor decision I made.
As a new player, I am keen to learn and participate in the community. I understand the importance of following the rules and respecting others in the city and I promise to be more mindful in the future.
I would really appreciate it if you could reconsider the cooldown because I am eager to return back to the city with my friends. I am fully committed to proving I can be a valuable and respectful member of this server. Please could you give me the opportunity to show that I have learned from this experience.

Thank you for considering my appeal.
Hello @seb1106 .

I am still getting used to roleplay and this was a poor decision I made.

You don't have to be "used to roleplay" to understand that clipping through locked doors isn't intended behaviour and shouldn't be done.

From what I glance from your notes, you and your friends were causing trouble at Pillbox, antagonising G6 members and generally being a pain. You were then locked in a room, where you exploited your friends free - to then go and cause more problems...

I'm not convinced you were here to actually try and engage in high quality roleplay with others. Convince me that's not the case should you return.
Hello @Bonzi ,

Thanks for getting back to me.

First, I want to apologize for my mistake and any trouble I may have caused. I know I shouldn't have done what I did and I am sorry.

I understand that this incident does give me the best impression as I am also a new player and I am committed to making it up to you that I can positively contribute to this community.

I would appreciate another chance in this city as I feel my roleplaying skills have improved since this incident and I would love to get back to being with my friends.
Good evening @seb1106 , I hope all is well! :)

We understand you've apologised for this situation, but are you actually here for roleplay?

This is a serious roleplaying server, people do dedicate a lot of time into this community as an escape for real life. Actions such as this just completely ruin the game for those players which is a shame.
Even as a new player, how do you see it as serious or realistic to start pulling someone through a closed door?

If we were to allow you back here;

What character(s) are you looking to create and play?
What backstories would these characters have?
What kind of high quality roleplay could you provide here?
Please respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.
Hello @Danoo Sorry for the late reply.

I understand this is a serious roleplaying server and I know what I did was unrealistic but at the time when it happened I wasn't even realizing what I was doing was wrong and I apologize for this.

This past month I have fallen in love with roleplaying and this server was what made me fall in love with it, During my ban in this city I have been practicing in other cities to improve my roleplay, and this server is the only one I have enjoyed as most of my friends are all active on this server.

The Character I will be creating and playing will be Steven Fishcakes.

Steven grew up in a small town with big dreams of becoming successful. He started working at a fish and chips when he was young. A few years down the line, Steven opened his own fish and chips shop with his father's background as a fisherman and now this business has quickly grown into a successful franchise all over the city he grew up in.
Steven eventually fell in love with Stacy and had planned to propose. However, he discovers her with another man, leading Steven to leave everything behind in search of a new adventure.

I can provide high-quality roleplay by focusing on my character's development in the city and creating realistic interactions with other players.

Thank you for giving me the chance to let me explain myself and hopefully I will be back in the city soon as I am missing it. :)
Good morning @seb1106 , thanks for the response.

Essentially, your first time on RPUK was met with a win mentality.
Your use of exploiting and breaking the server rules to ensure you gained an advantage over other players in that situation is completely the opposite to what we'd expect from players here given the fact that it's a roleplay server.

How can you assure me that if I unban you, I won't stumble across something like this again?
Hello @Danoo , Thanks for getting back to me.

I can assure you that if I was to be unbanned from the city this wont happen again as I have learned from my mistake and I fully understand understand the importance of following the rules and respecting other players.
Good morning @seb1106 , thanks for the response.

You've mentioned in your responses that essentially a big reason you want to return to RPUK is because your friends are active here.
Are you wanting to return to play with your friends, or because you would actually like to contribute to the roleplay here?

The main factor of this server is to provide high quality roleplay, we're not looking for players who are seeking a quick win and will exploit to achieve it.
Given the fact that you are new to this server, are you capable of abiding by the server rules? Essentially it would be a waste of time to unban you if you're to go ahead and ignore all the rules again and act like a "troll" in game.
Good morning @Danoo , thanks for getting back to me.

I definitely want to contribute to the roleplay in the city as I really got into GTA RP this past month. The friends I made on this server are just a plus.

I have thoroughly looked over the rules and I believe I am capable of proving I can follow these rules without causing any more trouble.

Thanks for giving me a chance to explain myself.
Good morning @seb1106 ,

This is currently the only ban you hold on record and I very much hope it remains this way.
I can see you're new but this still isn't much of an excuse for what you had done. It's very clear that exploiting our way through doors is not an intended feature of the game.

I will give you a second chance here to prove that you can actually provide high quality roleplay and are here for the correct purpose, however, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here and the likelihood of us wanting to go through another appeal with you would be very low.

Ensure you have read the rules before you join the server once more and do not waste the chance.

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