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Unban Appeal - SEAL - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SEAL 

In-game Name: Björn jörgen Tyrone

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198223349872

The date you got banned: 02/01/21

Member of the team that banned you: robbied312 - (Panel)

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I don't remember what i did since it was a while ago, but i looked up what C2.2 means and it's exploiting so i guess i did something in that direction

Why should we unban you ?: Because i miss the times i had on the server and i would really like to play again. I won't do anything against the rules since i read that and have understood that the rules a quite hardly enforced and a great way to keep the server clean and also keep people from destroying for everyone else.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Your appeal seems to contradict itself quite a bit here.

You dont know what you did but you wont do anything against the rules?

You have done something to do with exploiting but dont remember but also now realise we enforce rules to keep people from destroying for everyone else?

I think you need to explain a lot more about the leading up to the ban before we even begin to consider this. This is your time to be honest.

Okay im gonna be honest. So what happend was that my brother guy named oleg on the server said he found a glitch in other word an exploit where you could during the lag spikes dublicate items in your houses inventory. He wanted to show me and so i followed and he was right and then he proceded to duplicate i don't remember what exactly i think it was sharks could have been drugs, he gave lots but i didn't want to cheat so i didn't do anything with them i followed him and he showed me how much money he could make. Later the next day i was banned.

Thats what i remember and it should be enough to tell if I get denied or not but it would be really apriciated if I could get to come back i will accept and understand a no

Sincealy: SEAL  

he gave lots but i didn't want to cheat so i didn't do anything with them
And that's the second lie you have now told on your unban appeals.

Clearly I didn't make myself clear on your previous appeal.


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