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Unban Appeal - SEAL - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for SEAL 

In-game Name: tyrone Bigdick

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198223349872

The date you got banned: 09/20/05

Member of the team that banned you: Simon

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: because I said nibba not with G's But with B's and i said pedofile and pedo in the chat and that i sensetive language

Why should we unban you ?: ITS A GAME FOR 18 YEARS OR OLDER FOR F SAKE! people should be able to handel this kind of language its used online all the time. WHO TF gettin offended by me saying FUKIN "NIBBA" AND PEDO are they pedos gettin offended if people say pedo or call them pedo dis shis bullshis like damn bruh 6 months for dat shis dude there are people acctually hurting people emotionally fo real and you banning me for dis shis i dont even do notin bad doe

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You were banned for the following rule - 

(C1.2) Discrimination - Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. - Permanent ban.

Does it say anywhere there that what you said was fine? No it doesn't we do not tolerate any sort of discrimination. Just because the game is for 18+ doesn't mean we will start allowing people to break our server rules.

Now, do you want to actually write an appeal instead of mouthing off on an appeal like a child? I'll give you another chance.

They didn't give me a singel warning or mute in chat wich i think would me more suitable i understand that you dont want any racism in your server. This is litterally what i said word for word "this nibba hella beating me doe" and "i'm getting beat by a pedofile help me!" instead i think it would be more suitable to mute me in chat for an hour or two instead of banning me for half a year. All im asking for is a second chanse im not saying what i said was okay im just saying it wasn't racist sure some might take it that way but it wasen't ment that way, I now understand your rules more clearly and won't do it again. I was saying "nibba" not with a "G" but with "B" and as i know it that is a was to be joking about it and not rasict i now know it's not even say that i understand and will NEVER do it again. I am sorry. 

sincearly. SEAL

Oh that's okay then, just because you changed a few letters around makes everything okay then I guess? 

You stated above that the game is for 18+ yet your acting like a child going around calling people pedofiles and being racist over OOC.

We have 0 tolerance for racism. You have done nothing on this appeal to warrant another chance.


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