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Unban Appeal - salamandaofficial - GTA RP

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south wales

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Alistair Graham
Steam ID: 76561199528191845
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18047
Ban Reason: g2.9, C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned I believe for transferring money from an old character I do not play and wish not to play again to my current character and a friend in a gang helped me with this.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I would like to thank you before hand in reading this, So last week I made a mistake and broke a rule in which I should have known better and read up the rules but I totally forgot at the moment of the rule break simple because on another server I play if you have a valid IC reason to do so then it can be allowed but you must then delete your character. I understand this is not the same in regards to this server and I made a massive mistake in which I'm very sorry for.
So it all started in the evening when me and a gang member were doing the bins and he was asking me about my previous experience in the city to which I said one of my cousins is a homeless tramp who has made a lot of money from begging. He than said to me why don't you give me his money and ill give it to you now as it'll be easier to get a house and cannabis plants which was where the idea to do it came from. I do want to say though that I do not believe this gang member was aware it was a rule break at the time neither as when we were both banned he was shocked. I transferred him 251000 and he gave me back 250000 I believe which was the correct amounts. we then got a helicopter and flew to paleto where They showed me an available house to buy and I did then took me to the cannabis shop to buy the supplies to start growing.
Shortly after arriving back in the house and setting up the first few plants I could see that I was banned and instantly it dawned on me what I had done and I was abit embarrassed to do an appeal before now as I do know the rules.
Now I've been transparent with you and given you the correct information above all honest answers too, I am not hiding the fact I've made this mistake and I accept that I've done this equally as the other guy involved.

I wish to be unbanned because this place is my home like I've made so many good friends in this city and I believe the stupid character I've made did rp make an impact on people and was enjoyable to be around. This place is a great city to come to to escape reality many times now I've been sat at work excited to get home and come online due to the friendly environment and the friends I've made here. I did make a mistake last year which I respect and Id hoped id learnt from but obviously this time I've stumbled again and found myself amongst another issue. I have made sure that during the 2 days I've been banned I have not appealed anything as I thought it would be good for some breathing space and to read up on the rules to which I have gone into detail on I'm still going through some of them and will until I've understood them all to the best of my ability. Once again I'm really sorry for the rule break I committed but in all honesty at the time it didn't cross my mind as for the sakes of 250k its not worth getting banned and from my previous experience with you guys I know you are able to access everything so it wouldn't be a risk id be willing to take knowingly.

I accept the decision whatever the outcome will be as I have to accept I broke a rule and It was my fault. If possible I would be totally happy for all of my characters to be wiped as I would just make the one at this present moment in time. sorry this appeal was a little long I just wanted to make sure I covered everything and gave you the full truth so that you guys can see I'm being transparent with you.

Thank you for listening and I hope to hear from you soon Ali G!
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
I'll get this out of the way first, before continuing with the rest of the appeal.

All characters you have, bar one, will be deleted.
The character that remains will be fully wiped and will start out fresh.

First, do you agree?

Secondly, if you do, which character would you like to keep?
Id like the keep Alistair graham please as I feel the progress with his ic friends and story line is good I do wish to make w solicitor in time but want to read up a bit more on the legal sides of things so I'm knowledgeable for that I believe I showed interest in that before but this way I can focus on one character.

Thank you for reading this and I've been as honest as I can be.
Locked for 3 days for bumping via ticket.

Unlocks 29/07/2024 @ 19:04
Good evening @salamandaofficial , I hope all is well.

I'm struggling to see how you're going to be able to follow the server rules if you cannot follow the appeal rules.

After I unbanned you previously, I am absolutely gutted to see you back here - due to this, I am not willing to give you another chance back here just yet.
So for now;

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