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Unban Appeal - RyanSlug123 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Unsure at this time
Steam ID: 76561199684555285
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16083
Ban Reason: G2.4
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I was in the middle of being kidnapped. During the kidnapping, EMS turned up and then revived me whilst there were still persons around me. When I was revived by EMS, I got up and ran into my car in order to drive away from the kidnappers. I realised shortly after this that it was unacceptable.
Why should we unban you: This is my favourite RP server, and I made a lot of friends during the time that I was on there. I have been banned now for a few months, and during that time I have fully read the rules, and I have played a wide range of servers conducting a number of different roles on these servers with no issues. I hope for another chance as I am truly sorry for the way I was previous, and I will never let it happen again in the future.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @RyanSlug123 , I hope all is well with you? :)

You had received this ban on 12/02/2024.
On 05/02/2024 you were also banned for the same rulecode being G2.4 - Why have you now broken the same rule twice within the space of a few days?

Surely after the first ban you received you'd have had a look over the rule and understood it?
Good evening Danno,

Im all good thanks, I hope you are well too!

To be honest, I cant remember the first ban on the top of my head or what it was about. However, I can only aplogise regarding it. I have been playing a lot of different servers which has enabled me to become more familiar with the rules of the cities, and I am now sure of this rule and what I have to do in order to abide by it.

Many thanks! :)
Hello @RyanSlug123 ,

Can you quote the rule you have been banned for and tell us in your own words why we have this rule in place?
The rule is g2.4, with the rule being that at all times must value your life, when you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should always comply with the demands.

This rule is in place in order to make roleplay situations more realistic, and so that roleplay scenarios are run more smoothly. It would be unrealistic in the way I behaved before clearly due to being outnumbered, and I should of gone along with the story which I regret a lot.

I truly am really sorry for not doing so before, however I am now fully aware of this rule and how important it is to uphold it so that scenarios can be played out which will result in all persons involved having the best experience.
@RyanSlug123 Can you explain why you decided to simply run off and not roleplay it out? I'd like to understand the process behind why this happened.

You do seem to have an understanding of the rule at hand and would it be to far to assume you have taken the time to read the other rules now and not just G2.4?

In relation to the first ban it was when you we're outnumbered by several armed people to where you refused to listen to anything they said and as a result downed.
Hi Stuart,

At the time, I must say that I didn't fully recognise that it would been a breach of the rules to run off, and I thought that it maybe seen as roleplay due to me trying to make off and "run for my life", however I am fully understanding now that in scenarios such as these that when you are at a disadvantage that you should comply with the orders that are being given. From the best of my knowledge, i would say that at the time I must have been carrying quite a lot of items that I did not want to lose.

In relation to other rules, I have taken the time to read all of these and I am now fully understanding of them all, and I would not let something like this happen again. By taking the time and practicing the rules on other servers and conducting a varies of different roles, it has enabled me to gain a wide understanding of roleplay where I have had no issues.

In relation to your last point, I do still not fully remember therefore I cant say a whole much about it, however I do fully accept that I would have done this and I greatly apoloigise for doing so. I would have said that my reasons for doing that would have been the same as I listed above, to which I have great regret and hope that you give me another chance.

Many thanks,
Hello there @RyanSlug123

Here is what is going to happen - I will unban you today and give you another chance. However, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent. Should you be banned for NLR again, you will receive an automatic cooldown of 3 months before you can appeal.

The excuse of "I did not read or understand the rules" will not fly anymore, so I suggest you make yourself very comfortable with our rule page.
