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Unban Appeal - Rupingle - GTA RP


Active member
United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jackson Redwood
Steam ID: 76561199017215377
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19838
Ban Reason: G4.5
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned due to a player report put up against myself regarding the aftermath of a failed bobcat heist. I think the best way to explain why I broke this rule is to write out my thought process during the situation.

Me and a few others decided to hit bobcat after our compound got raided by the police a few hours before. Everything was going great until G6 and Police arrived where a small gunfight occurred where I was shot in the head and promptly downed. I didn't want to pass away as I find that type of roleplay unless warranted by certain situations, completely pointless. I roleplayed as having a minor neck injury from the bullet but due to being left on the floor of bobcat for so long, I passed out from loss of blood. I was given some medical and transported to Pillbox where Abdul provided me with some of the best medical roleplay I've had in a while. I eventually woke back up and spent around about 5-10 mins on the floor slowly gaining consciousness and planning what I was going to say to the police. I had some coolant and a standard pistol with 30-40 bullets in my pockets and had a huge warrant out for my arrest already. In my character's eyes, he would do anything to get away so he would have to come up with a cover story etc... but something unexpected happened, Abdul proceeded to get me onto my feet without me in cuffs or being searched. I took this opportunity to hold an officer hostage with my gun and get myself released. This was all impromptu on the spot and at the time, I believed myself to be in a hostile situation with the inevitability of being arrested so I took my chances. I stayed true to my injuries complaining about my neck and having a headache (I've never had a blood transfusion so I guessed you would have a headache) At the time as I said before, I believed this was warranted due to the circumstances but upon speaking to others I've noticed the errors in my judgement. I should have let them arrest me or waited at least 15 minutes before pushing this type of roleplay.
Why should we unban you: I feel like I should be unbanned as I believe myself to be a great role-player who pushes for the best roleplay in any situation. My current main character has multiple storylines going on which I hope are enjoyable for everyone involved. Even though I have been with the community for a while, most of my time was spent with the LSPD only recently turning crim where I am still being shown the ropes as some rules you don't really come into contact with as much while you are a police officer etc... I've understood where I've gone wrong and what I should have done differently in that situation. I hope you can see in the report, I had roleplay in mind for everyone but unfortunately I went about it the wrong way. I'm not here to break rules and be a nuisance to other players and staff, I'm here to have fun role-playing. I've made mistakes but always learnt from them, hopefully you guys can give me another chance.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
I appreciate your thought behind this roleplay however it was in direct breach of the NLR rule as Kyle pointed out.
You were not forced into a combat situation,
You got revived by a medic and immediately pulled your gun out as shown in the footage on the report.

Did you read and understand the NLR rule?
Hello @PsianaRama, I appreciate the reply

To try and explain my mindset I'll quote the rule and explain my thought process on where I believe I went wrong.

(G4.5) When you have been revived:
  • You have been given medical treatment and must continue to roleplay your injuries with the medical treatment in mind.
  • When you are being treated by a medic, you must be mindful that you have just been injured and you must not just run off after you have been revived unless there is a strong roleplay reason to do so.
  • Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.
  • Due to your injuries, you must not enter any combat situation until at least 15 minutes have passed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat, in which case you must still roleplay your injuries.
  • Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed.
''you must not enter any combat situation'' I believe this is where I've misinterpreted the rule, all though there was a previous combat scenario and I felt my character would reasonably still be threatened considering the reasons I've explained before, this combined with the attending officers seeming rather distracted I took my chances. I would also like to mention that my intention was never for the hospital scenario to turn into a shoot out, I simply wanted to negotiate for my freedom. I see now that by pulling out a weapon it is in fact myself who has turned the RP into combat.

In that situation, I should of just let myself get arrested or waited at least 15 minutes before pushing this type of roleplay.
Good evening @Rupingle

I hope you're well.

This isn't the first time you've misunderstood or misinterpreted a rule, correct? You have been banned twice for C2.3, where the second time, you didn't understand how it worked. This is now your third unban appeal and your second because you didn't understand the rules correctly; how can we trust that you'll finally understand the rules this time around?

You were also issued a one-day ban recently (December 2024) for G1.8 & C1.7, and I'm more focused on C1.7. You state you believe yourself to be a great roleplayer. Would a great roleplayer refuse to roleplay with another party because the situation didn't go their way? Is that a moment of weakness or a pattern of behaviour? :unsure:

You let your emotions dictate your response to that situation because you didn't get your way, and you were done over because the police did not allow you to repair your vehicle. When you were first banned, you did the same thing, where you didn't get what you wanted and felt you were being "done over" and combat logged to deprive the police of arresting you and gaining the "win". In that unban appeal, you stated this is not a frequent occurrence and that you had reflected and "really thought" about how to handle those situations in the future.

The similarities between your first ban and how you acted in December aren't difficult to spot, and raises the question, how can we trust you and what you say?

Dano previously gave you two very generous chances. And now, you're back here, asking for a third; given the above, do you genuinely believe you deserve a third chance? Put yourself in our shoes; what do you honestly think? I'm all for second chances, but how many bans will it take for you to learn and adhere to the rules? For reference, you're at three permanent bans, a one-day ban, and one warning. And remember, honesty is the best policy.
Hello @Scott , I'm doing well. How about yourself?

I appreciate the reply and your concerns are valid considering my history.

This isn't the first time you've misunderstood or misinterpreted a rule, correct? You have been banned twice for C2.3, where the second time, you didn't understand how it worked. This is now your third unban appeal and your second because you didn't understand the rules correctly; how can we trust that you'll finally understand the rules this time around?
Yes this is correct, I have misinterpreted rules in the past but I have always learnt from my mistakes and taken onboard advice from staff and members of the community to make sure I don't make the same mistake again. RPUK is my first ever roleplay server I have ever played on and when I first joined, I was completely new to how I should conduct myself within the server. My stupidity in the past has really tarnished my reputation and really ruins how people view my progress as a member of this community. I've always been thankful to Danno for giving me those chances and always strived to become a better member of this community in general. I absolutely hate the fact, I keep ending up on this appeal section. This isn't somewhere I want to keep ending up in. My past as I said before has really come back to bite me in the backside.

You were also issued a one-day ban recently (December 2024) for G1.8 & C1.7, and I'm more focused on C1.7. You state you believe yourself to be a great roleplayer. Would a great roleplayer refuse to roleplay with another party because the situation didn't go their way? Is that a moment of weakness or a pattern of behaviour? :unsure:
I can confidently say this was a moment of weakness, looking back on the situation that was a childish way to act. December was a very stressful month for me and I think I let some of that stress out in that situation. That isn't the person I am or want to be viewed as, we are all here to have fun and I ruined that fun, not only for myself but for the other people involved. I always try to push the best roleplay I can and since that ban I have met a group of people who have really shown me how to push my roleplay further so it's always enjoyable for both sides.
The similarities between your first ban and how you acted in December aren't difficult to spot, and raises the question, how can we trust you and what you say?
It's true, they aren't difficult to spot. I'm not proud of the way I acted in both those situations but I've learnt from my mistakes and taken onboard the advice from staff. My first ban was a clear cut rulebreak which I am not in the slightest proud of and really regret but since then I have always tried to follow the rules. I've really come a long way since then, I have made mistakes but as I said I've always owned up and taken onboard what staff have said to me so I can continue to showcase what I have to offer in terms of roleplay for the community. I understand where I've gone wrong in this situation and will not make the same mistake again.
Dano previously gave you two very generous chances. And now, you're back here, asking for a third; given the above, do you genuinely believe you deserve a third chance? Put yourself in our shoes; what do you honestly think? I'm all for second chances, but how many bans will it take for you to learn and adhere to the rules? For reference, you're at three permanent bans, a one-day ban, and one warning. And remember, honesty is the best policy.
I know my record isn't the greatest and it's one of the things I hate the most. My bans since my first one could of easily been avoided, I never wanted to break these rules and didn't do it to benefit myself in anyway. Being on here asking for a 3rd chance really makes me disappointed in myself when I shouldn't of been here in the first place. I've spent time going over the rules and believe I have a good understanding of them, I'm committed to bettering myself as a member of this community and hope that everyone can see that as well.
Good afternoon @Rupingle

Good to hear.

I am good, all things considered, thank you.

You've learned from your mistakes, and yet mistakes have been repeated. Emotions clouding your judgement is something that has led to two bans actioned against you. This is concerning; we are all human, but we're also all adults who I'd hope can regulate ourselves better or recognise when a flare-up or outburst is building and make conscious decisions to mitigate and prevent such issues from arising.

I can appreciate and understand how ongoing IRL situations can elevate stress levels, but as you've said yourself, people play here to escape that stress and have fun, among other reasons. Is letting other people here roleplaying receive the brunt of that frustration, anger, etc, fair? just? fun? Important lessons to be learned here.

The other very important point regarding this is you are not your character, and your character is not you.

What steps will you take to prevent OOC emotional instability from impacting your character, roleplay and/or the rules?
Why is maintaining a healthy separation between your OOC self and your character(s) important?
What is your process for identifying mistakes, and how do you rectify or mitigate them? Are there any improvements you could make to those steps?

I agree with you; your bans could have all been easily avoided had you read the rules properly and asked questions if you were unsure or uncertain about something. It shouldn't have to take bans for you to finally interpret the rules correctly, especially arguably simple ones like G4.# and C2.3; too little too late.

Be honest, as this should be (at least) the third time familiarising yourself with our rules, I hope; technically, fourth, if you include the create a character process, have you read our rules? Do you understand them? Can you understand why they're in place?

Furthermore, can you explain why you think G4.5 is in place? What does it prevent?

You state you didn't break those rules to benefit yourself in any way. Are you telling the truth?
Good afternoon @Scott, I appreciate the reply!

I can appreciate and understand how ongoing IRL situations can elevate stress levels, but as you've said yourself, people play here to escape that stress and have fun, among other reasons. Is letting other people here roleplaying receive the brunt of that frustration, anger, etc, fair? just? fun? Important lessons to be learned here.
This is 100% something I have taken onboard after that ban in December, sometimes you've just got to sit back and look at the bigger picture. It isn't worth the hassle and as you said it isn't fair on the other players who get the brunt of that as well as catching the ban which makes the anger and frustration worse.
What steps will you take to prevent OOC emotional instability from impacting your character, roleplay and/or the rules?
Why is maintaining a healthy separation between your OOC self and your character(s) important?
What is your process for identifying mistakes, and how do you rectify or mitigate them? Are there any improvements you could make to those steps?
I feel like since December I have taken steps myself to mitigate stress and I have also found it easier to realise in times of emotional instability that I am playing this game to have fun. When times get hard, I should either take breaks or maybe take a step back from engaging in those situations where heightened emotions may come into play.

The reason why maintaining a healthy separation between your OOC self and your characters is important because as you said I am not my character and my character is not me. The situations which happen in game do not effect me in anyway shape or form OOC. Ultimately, there are times when something in game might make you angry or upset and that's fine but we shouldn't let it effect other players enjoyment on the server.

If I feel like I have made a mistake I usually reach out to other players involved and gain their insight into the situation either via LOOC or QE. If I have made a mistake I usually try to rectify this in roleplay and also in QE if needed, I would rather both sides be happy with the situation even if I win/lose in the process. I believe a big improvement I could make is having a good OOC relationship with other players so they can reach out to me if I have made a mistake and provide me with advice on how to mitigate making that same mistake again.

Be honest, as this should be (at least) the third time familiarising yourself with our rules, I hope; technically, fourth, if you include the create a character process, have you read our rules? Do you understand them? Can you understand why they're in place?
I have read the rules and feel like I have a good understanding of them, if I have any queries I will reach out to staff via a ticket and gain more insight into the rule. I completely understand why these rules are in place as it allows roleplay to flow more easily and also keeps it enjoyable for everyone playing.
Furthermore, can you explain why you think G4.5 is in place? What does it prevent?
G4.5 is in place to ensure that people follow roleplay that is grounded, it would not make sense for someone who recently experienced such severe injuries to be placed in the downed state. As an example, If you have been shot, you would realistically still need time to heal after being helped by the NHS.
You state you didn't break those rules to benefit yourself in any way. Are you telling the truth?
My first ban was a clear cut rule break, I did this to get away from the police and as I said in my other reply. I really regret doing this as it ruined roleplay for the officer involved. My other bans were just me making stupid mistakes. I always try to push high quality roleplay and although I recognise in my last report it was a rule break, you can see by the footage I had roleplay as the focus but unfortunately went about it the wrong way.
Good evening @Rupingle

I'm not confident you're ready to return.

You've been given two generous chances yet made the same mistakes to wind up here. You haven't learned from your mistakes, and history has only repeated. I'm not going to make the same mistake.

I don't believe you're telling the whole truth here either; you stated regarding your most recent report, it was about high-quality roleplay. I see someone who is prioritising winning the situation before the rules and roleplay.

These contradictory statements raise my doubts about your true intentions and honesty:

"I didn't start a firefight but instead used a hostage to my advantage to get away"
"I would also like to mention that my intention was never for the hospital scenario to turn into a shoot out, I simply wanted to negotiate for my freedom."
"I never wanted to break these rules and didn't do it to benefit myself in anyway."

You broke the rule to take someone hostage and advance your goals and interests, yet didn't do it benefit yourself? The latter of the third statement is just not true. The video also doesn't show roleplay was at the forefront of your mind; you didn't even roleplay your fairly significant injuries until after someone reminded you in LOOC, and then you roleplayed those injuries poorly...that's the bare minimum.

It was a genuinely disappointing watch. You were solely focused on escaping and winning; these aren't the traits of a "great roleplayer"; it is, in fact, quite the opposite.

What to do with your appeal? Your previous permanent ban came with a three-month cooldown; clearly, this wasn't enough to put you on the right path, it is my hope and desire six months is enough. During that time, review your general conduct and attitude within RPUK, win mentality, the rules, and all the choices you made that have led you here - do I see an issue? why is it an issue? how have I improved? what did I learn? etc.

"I'm committed to bettering myself as a member of this community and hope that everyone can see that as well."

I hope this statement is true, but time will tell. Until then, good luck, keep well, and stay safe.
