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Unban Appeal - Rupingle - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS
United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Arthur Mable
Steam ID: 76561199017215377
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16996
Ban Reason: C2.3 which is combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned due to logging out late at night while incapacitated after I thought at the time, the roleplay situation had ended.
Why should we unban you: Good evening, thank you for reading over my appeal. It annoys me that I have ended up in the same situation as before, I feel like I have neglected your trust especially after I got given that first chance. I would like to apologise directly to Dano as he had faith in me after my first unban and I have let him down with my stupid mistakes.

I believe I should be unbanned as I have reflected on my poor decisions these last 2-3 months. The only person I have to blame is myself and I take full responsibility for my actions. Ever since my first unban I have always offered people the best roleplay I can provide, be that on my NHS character or my police character. I have always stuck by the rules as best as I can and always tried to be a good member of the community. Roleplay.co.uk has become a second home for me, I have met many friends in the city and had a lot of good experiences you can't find anywhere else within fivem. During my ban over the past few months I have tried other servers but nothing matches what roleplay.co.uk offers to its community. I know I have let down many staff and high members of the community down which does upset me, rules are meant to be followed and I went against them. This past month I have really gotten back into the RP scene, I have been coming up with some really cool ideas and feel like I can bring some high quality roleplay, not only to the criminal sides of things but also the legal side of things. I know I have neglected your trust and I can promise you, it will not happen again. This community means a lot to me and I will do everything to redeem myself.

I do appreciate everyone for taking the time to read over my appeal.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
It annoys me that I have ended up in the same situation as before, I feel like I have neglected your trust especially after I got given that first chance. I would like to apologise directly to Dano as he had faith in me after my first unban and I have let him down with my stupid mistakes.
Think of how we feel here. Dano as you've mentioned give you a chance and being right back here for one of the same exact reasons is more than a slap in the face.

So outside of you saying what you have been doing I want to know why you broke the same rule again. Explain what happened leading upto and you of course combat logging please.
Hello Stuart, thank you for the reply and I hope you are okay.

So it was around 12-1am and I was playing on my Arthur character. I accidentally crashed into another player and we had a small confrontation where they started to punch me calling me a bunch of names etc…. I didn’t have anything to defend myself so I decided to steal their car. We had a small chase but I eventually got away after decamping and finding a local bike. I decided to go change my clothes at the store next to MRPD but they eventually found me and blocked me in the store. They then came inside and without a word started attacking me with a machete and eventually incapacitating me. I didn’t really mind the whole situation as it was late at night and I didn’t really have anything on me worth fighting for etc…. They all left the second I got incapacitated and I waited for around about 15-20 minutes incase they came back to carry on the roleplay. I eventually decided just to quit the game and come back tomorrow thinking nothing of it. At the time I didn’t really think the seriousness of my actions as I had completely forgot that being incapacitated was a roleplay situation. I logged on the next day to a ban message, I also made a discord ticket and spoke to a few staff members who made me realise my mistake. I should of let myself bleed out before logging off that night.
Hello @Rupingle ,

So it takes you to understand a simple rule if you properly read it, by being banned not once but twice and going through multiple appeals for you to only now understand what the rule actually is?

Do we even bother allowing you back in if it takes you that long to understand one rule?
Hello @OneShot, thank you for your reply.

I do understand the rules of the server but sometimes mistakes can be made. After my first ban I made sure to read over the rules so I was ready to return to the server, I did everything I could to try and become a good standing member of the community.

I had a lapse of judgement and made a really stupid mistake. I take full responsibility for my actions.

I do completely understand why you have these doubts about me and I can only blame myself for those. I don’t want to be making excuses for my actions, I’m just asking for another chance to show you I can be trusted again.
Good evening @Rupingle , I hope all is well! :)

Upon being banned, you opened a ticket essentially complaining that the punishment is too harsh.
Drex was helping you out, to which you then ended up getting a 2 month cooldown since you had already been unbanned for combat logging prior.

In this ticket, you had said :
"2 months for a genuine mistake?"

"Do you really think I would intentionally break that rule when I've been playing almost every single day across 3 characters?
I didn't combat log while interacting with anyone, I simply just went to bed after everything stopped?"

I do not understand how you can "mistakenly" combat log from the server...
Even the last part of the second quote, it seems as if you do not actually understand the rule broken to be truthful, having been banned for it prior I'd have expected you'd understand this rule more than any other.
Please respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.
Hello @Danoo , I hope you are well! Sorry for such a late reply, I've been away from my computer and I can't access the forums on my phone for some reason.

Upon being banned, you opened a ticket essentially complaining that the punishment is too harsh.
Drex was helping you out, to which you then ended up getting a 2 month cooldown since you had already been unbanned for combat logging prior.
I opened the ticket as I was shocked I had been banned at first. Drex did help me understand why I had been banned and how I had stupidly overlooked being in a downed state was indeed a roleplay situation.

I do admit I was annoyed with the 2 month cooldown and I think we had a small conversation on discord dms where you explained the reasoning for the long cooldown which made me understand why I had been given it. I do feel like it got a bit heated in the ticket towards the end, I would like to apologise to Drex and other staff members involved if they felt that way as well.

I do not understand how you can "mistakenly" combat log from the server...
Even the last part of the second quote, it seems as if you do not actually understand the rule broken to be truthful, having been banned for it prior I'd have expected you'd understand this rule more than any other.
I can see where you are coming from, I've been banned before for combat logging when I first started taking FIVEM and roleplay seriously as a whole. I should of known this rule better than any other but I completely overlooked it. I made a mistake that night logging out while downed.

I didn't do it to intentionally avoid a roleplay situation or save anything on my character. I am completely fine with Arthur being wiped if that's the case

As I said to Oneshot, I don't want to be making excuses for my actions. I'm just asking for another chance to gain your trust back and show you I can be a good member of this community.

I have so many cool new ideas for roleplay on the server I would love to showcase to everyone.
Good morning @Rupingle , thanks for the response.

Following on from OneShot, if it's taken you now 2 bans to understand the combat logging rule, I struggle to see any good out of allowing you back into the community.
How can you assure me that I won't unban you, then just find you back on the forums within the next 6 months permanently banned because you've not read the other rules either?

If I were to allow you back, what high quality roleplay could you provide here?
Good morning @Danoo, thank you for the reply.
Following on from OneShot, if it's taken you now 2 bans to understand the combat logging rule, I struggle to see any good out of allowing you back into the community.
How can you assure me that I won't unban you, then just find you back on the forums within the next 6 months permanently banned because you've not read the other rules either?
I can completely understand why you think this but I have only ever been banned for this rule, I normally engage in passive roleplay with other players except when I am playing on my Police character. When problems do arise on my police character I usually ask to QE but 9/10 times I sort this out in character/roleplay. Gaming/roleplaying is a escape for most players and I always try to keep both sides happy on any of my characters.

If I were to allow you back, what high quality roleplay could you provide here?
Leading up to when I was banned, I spent a lot of time on my Arthur character. He is an old crazy ex army vet (Inspired by James Randall but not as crazy haha) I ended up joining the injustice league and I would love to expand on the fun/quirky roleplay I was doing with them or even going off and starting my own group. I really like the roleplay where it's realistic/serious but also a lot of fun at the same time ( stuff you wouldn't see everyday walking on the street - like a once in a lifetime experience irl type vibe) I did try to start a taco business on my NHS character but think this would suit more Arthurs personality, getting orders wrong or going off on a tangent speaking about completely random stuff while they wait for there taco which hasn't even hit the grill yet! I was even thinking of joining a car dealership and specialising in the older cars etc...

I do also have a character within the NHS and would love to progress more with him, climbing up the ranks etc... I'm a very social person so having a long chat while helping someone is something I love doing. Most of my time has been spent on this character and I already have a lot of good standing relationships with people so expanding this character would be a priority for me. I would even like to eventually command my own unit and do events within the city. (I know there's been bomb threats and fires at the Police HQ) I would love to expand on these and provide a high quality event for people. I've also worked for the NHS irl in hospitals/wards and still work in the community at care homes.

I know I broke your trust once but I do believe I am on the right path to becoming a good member of this community. Roleplay.co.uk provides much more than just a fivem server, it's a absolutely lovely community which I would love to be a huge part of. I'd do anything for another chance to show everyone I'm not a person who goes around breaking rules and making a mockery of this community.
Very well @Rupingle ,

I will give you another chance on the server and I hope you don't waste it!
Please read over the server rules before you join again to ensure we don't end up back here.

Any ban you now receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the fair ban system.

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