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Unban Appeal - RSG Evolution - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jack Karva
Steam ID: 76561198392903643
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19398
Ban Reason: c2.1
Why do you think you were banned: i dont have a clue it says 2024-12-11 and ive only just been unbanned today ive not been in the city for i believe 2 years i don't know why this ban has popped up, im my last ban appeal i had to update my steam link so it was still my steam that got unbanned
Why should we unban you: I've not been in the city for a while but explained in my last appeal that got approved for unban that my rp has improved a lot and i'd be an amazing addition to the city. I DID GET UNBANNED TODAY AND HAVENT FLOWN IN i havent flown in at all and i got that ban on my screen now instead. Only using caps there so you dont think im trying to bump or anything and can see ive not even managed to get into the city yet
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
yeah my brother but im pretty sure hes unbanned he's on his own system on his own steam no ones been on mine (as i got in trouble for that before ive learnt my lesson)
he said he did get banned, He didnt make me aware of that. Ive just got unbanned so i can join the city and his ban must be affecting mine. Sorry rude of me yeah all is not too bad except for this inconvenience hope your is all well