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Unban Appeal - Ronniie - GTA RP

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ronnie Trapp
Steam ID: 76561199473443893
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17601
Ban Reason: G2.4
Why do you think you were banned: Afternoon folks hope everyone's been keeping well & had a brilliant summer holiday!

Ill start off by being open & transparent fully! To be on this side of the server once again for such a silly muc-up is devastating!

So I was banned for G2.4/NVL, a fight with an opposing gang broke out & I was downed & taken to a dodgy doctor, while with 3 rival gang members, unconscious & being peppered by multiple different calibre guns I thought I could 'john wick' myself out of a enclosed barn surrounded by said rivals after being resuscitated.
I just want it known that I DO NOT carry a WIN mentality at all & I hope this could be vouched for by other members if anything my time here has been a massive grind & been tough to have my character where he is now, but also as I said at the start of this appeal "Ill start off by being open & transparent fully". I was involved in 5-6 gang wars some of them I was up for the rest not so much in fact I'm sure only one war was agreed on. The others just happened or was baited by opposing gangs & our/my progression was bought to a halt, every time we started climbing again we'd be involved in some altercation or beef for no good reasons thus has broke rebuilds multiple times, pushed people away altogether & even made some stop playing. towards the end of the string of all the fights & wars as they was all close together, I was tired, fed up & just actually wanted a 'WIN' for once which looking back on now is cringe! I've learnt you don't lose in roleplay, you always learn! you learn how to play the situation better next time & so on.
And I can hand on heart say I'm ashamed I didn't go along with the roleplay, & learn!
Why should we unban you: Since my last ban I found my character (Ronnie) had transitioned from just the average joe to a face of the community. Not only did I learn so much about the server its self but I learnt about roleplay also, I was involved in many enjoyable scenarios win or lose. I know it sounds cliché but I found myself thinking of new ways & avenues of roleplay & thinking of the other players as this would add too the above & make it more enjoyable for me & my friends.
I've been arrested during bank heists & had my outcome reversed due to displaying good roleplay to the opposite players (police) & had my first recommend a role player (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/...-cooper-billy-bubbles-father-augustus.425731/). I tried to interact with the community outside of the server on the community discord & forums adding suggestions & so on, I was learning & progressing in the community/server really well, When I came across freshies who wanted to get into the crim side of things I was directing them & didn't try to take advantage I was trying to bring the old school meets & deals back when freshies would get an experience buying they're first gun or kilo.

I played the server ALOT & my input in the circle of friends was far greater than I realised beyond the gang I found out after receiving my ban that my influence was needed as my friends/gang just stopped playing or operating they just split & sort of went AWOL.

I'd like the chance to be able to bring some of my friends together again, I have a plan for the group. Something new that I know isn't currently being done, I'm not interested in how big of a gun I can come across or how many kills I can confirm via radio, I never was! It just comes with wearing a colour but with a new route & plan I believe we can achieve our goals as a group.

Since my ban I haven't played my pc, I've totally stepped back & had a break took time to reflect & spent time with the family.

Thank-you to the staff member that deals with this,

Ronnie T x.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Ronniie , I hope all is well!
Summer Holidays were good as it meant less traffic on the road ;)

You've mentioned that you had lost a few situations leading up to this, and admitted that on this occasion you did want a win for once.
I appreciate you may not have held a win mentality throughout your time here, however what you've just said is that you had a win mentality during this specific scenario.

If this is the case, how can I trust that something like this won't develop over time again?
By the sounds of this appeal, you needed a break leading up to the point where you were banned, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Morning to you also danoo, all is well apart from said traffic :Q.

So losing a few situations wasn't or isn't a big issue "normally" but as said this specific situation I thought I could WIN, There is no excuse for it I've been to the dodgy many, many times. During the process of being resuscitated at the dodgy is text-book when your outnumbered & injured.

If this is the case, how can I trust that something like this won't develop over time again?
So naturally I have lost trust within your self & other staff members by breaking rules, I'm trying to gain that back with honesty. I know where I've gone wrong & I've learnt from it massively! I will recognise in future when it's time for a break as we all need them from time to time. As to many this is my escape I'm here to offer more than dealing with ban appeals or reports where I haven't behaved. I want to be able to have/keep the privilege of connecting to thee server, playing with my friends & escaping from the busy work-life of a evening.

By the sounds of this appeal, you needed a break leading up to the point where you were banned, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Your spot-on, I needed a refreshener a touch of grass & a reminder of what I'm here for in the first place.
Good afternoon @Ronniie and thank you for the detailed response!

Your spot-on, I needed a refreshener a touch of grass & a reminder of what I'm here for in the first place.
A touch of grass is one way of putting it haha.

Throughout my time as staff in this community I've noticed nearly everyone needs a break at some point, and those that don't listen to this and continue anyway mostly always end up doing something they regret because their outlook on the server changes during this phase.
Given the fact you're now in this situation, what would you do differently next time, and how can you ensure you wouldn't end up on this path again?

You've mentioned in your response that you would recognise when it's time for a break, but how?
Afternoon bud,

So looking back over the last 6 months it shouldn't have taken this for me to recognise when I needed to have taken a step back for a short while but like you say some of us cover our ears & think that we don't need too after putting so many hours in until we do things we regret.

That being said if I was put into the same exact situation "tomorrow" I would play it so different, as I've said this isn't the first time I've been in this situation in role play. I would start of by Roleplaying my injuries & playing ball with the other players as I normally would, I wouldn't be so hasty to taste a win and to recognise the situation that I'm in, Offering HQ role play towards the other players could have taken the course a different route.

In hindsight I wish I did.

You've mentioned in your response that you would recognise when it's time for a break, but how?
Leading up towards my ban I had actually told my friends & fellow members I was due to take a break, a couple weeks it was supposed to be for! but as you've said when we don't believe a breaks needed our outlook changes. sad that I had to take my break like this rather than having some more self control of when enough is enough & actually take the step back & remember there's always another day that way.

Thanks for the response again danoo :)
Good morning @Ronniie , thanks for the response.

After looking through your history I have come to the realisation that I've actually unbanned you twice now from a permanent ban, it does indeed feel like I've wasted my time in a sense considering you keep coming back here.
This is now the third permanent ban you've been issued since 03/11/2023, all of these bans have been related to 'Ronnie Trapp' - Do you not think at this point that perhaps this avenue of roleplay is what's getting you into trouble?

Would exploring something else be an option? I feel as if I do unban you then I'll just see you here again in a couple of months which would again be a waste of time.
Morning again danno, hope your well.

I understand how it looks I don't hold the cleanest of records, I want to apologise for wasting your time for the third time It was never my intentions.

Hand on heart I believe the way I was going around the avenue's, not thinking things through - being to hasty on my decisions - not recognising when I need a break. That being said I am more than willing to explore a different route of role play as you would be able to see I have a selection of characters "Ronnie" being my main character & then two others that I used to take a step away from my main character I had one that lived a very fruitful & legal lifestyle, he wore cords & a dirty work T-shirt & had his eye's on the material market the other was just a secondary crim that didn't have any tie's to any gang, didn't agree with the local drug problem & seeked for revenge on those who polluted the streets.

I found these characters a breath of fresh air as I would use my voice changer & no one would cross characters with my main.

Would exploring something else be an option?
This is something I'm up for, is there something specific staff would want me to explore or would this be something I could choose? I've always wanted to be a solicitor.

I feel as if I do unban you then I'll just see you here again in a couple of months which would again be a waste of time.
I've tried to display as much honesty as I can & as I've said in a previous reply I'm not interest in how big of a gun I can come across or how many kills I can confirm down the radio, I'm here to roleplay & have fun & I would like to keep it that way rather than be here like a child that keeps putting their fingers in the plug socket.
Good evening @Ronniie

I hope all is well today?

Thank you for your responses, they have been noted. What else that has been noted is your record here, you do not have the best record do you? Which makes me wonder do you see this as something where you think you can say what you believe we want to hear and we will unban you? How many chances do you think you will be able to get?

You have been a member of this community long enough to know and understand the rules. So you will be give this chance to come back BUT it will come with a harsh "condition" of sorts. If you are banned within the next 6 months you will have to wait 12 months from the date of the ban before you can appeal again. Enough is enough. It is time you actually take the rules seriously

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