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Unban Appeal - Revoke - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Revoke 

In-game Name: Johnny Step

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199126356027

Ban ID: 76561199126356027

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Combat logging.

Why should we unban you ?: I would like to be unbanned as after more then a month break from the city I feel I can come back with a fresh mindset and new start. Over the last month I feel the break from fivem as a whole has helped me to become more mature and compliant to the servers rules. I think rpuk is the best british themed serious roleplay server on fivem and I hope to become part of the community once again. I regret my actions and am apologetic for any inconvenience caused by my action on that day. I take full responsibility as I should've thoroughly read through the rules rather than trusting my own knowledge of GTA RP as this would've stopped the rulebreak occurring in the firstplace. If unbanned I can promise my best behaviour and high quality roleplay. Thankyou for your time and apologies for the last appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Talk us though what happened that day and why you decided to combat log. Help us understand your thought process.

So on the day It was about 6 weeks ago I had some beef with a vagos member who then killed me. The RP scene was over and it was good to be honest even tho i was dead I enjoyed it. Afterwards whilst still dead I needed to go off, like i said this was 6 weeks ago so i cant remember the reason for me needing to go off all i know is I had to. I left the game whilst laying there dead expecting to rejoin and sit the death timer but from there I was banned. I had no clue this was classed as combat logging at the time and have since then read up on the rules to stop something like this happening again.

Forgot the mention also in the future I know to sit the timer and respawn where it is then acceptable to log off.

So you claim the situation was over, Yet you logged off the server 6 minutes after being downed. It's not even like you we're in a different place when you logged off you we're in the same spot! Now you mentioned you we're unaware that this is combat logging, Why didn't you read the rules prior to playing ? (The ones you agreed you read upon making the character).

I had read the rules prior to playing the server I just didnt understand the c2.3 rule in depth which I should've and I apologise for my ignorance in this instance. The people involved in the rp left about 30 seconds after killing me, I began to wait the death timer but like I said had to go so I logged off from there. 

The rule clearly states; "Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic" 

So I have no excuses only to ask for a chance to redeem myself.

If this was your first ban for combat logging then maybe I'd understand you not knowing this rule, However if you recall you we're banned back in November 2022 to where we talked in teamspeak and I explained this exact rule to you and told you to read both the GTA and Community rules so you had a better understanding of them moving forth. Why didn't you do this as it is clear from your response you still didn't know about combat logging. 

Why are you still breaking the same rule? How can we be sure you won't simply do the same thing again if we give you another chance to return as currently you are 2-2 on it.

As I said I did read the rules just not into the depth that I should've and I apologise for my ignorance. I've been rp'ing for a few years now and trusted my knowledge of fivem over the rules stated on paper which was a grave mistake.

I can promise this will never happen again as I now have a good understanding of the rules and have thoroughly read through them, I have also learnt from my mistakes as my laziness costed me 60 days in ban time and ended with me being withdrawn from the community. I now know to take the essential steps set in place to notify the staff in a case of needing to log out during roleplay or whilst dead waiting for nhs. Or if possible simply just waiting for the respawn timer then logging off after respawn.

But we went over this exact rule, So there really isn't any excuse as you did tell myself and the other staff member in the teamspeak conversation back in November you we're aware of this rule now moving forth. You we're given the benefit of the doubt that time, However here we are again. So the excuse of you didn't read them in depth doesn't go over to well, As either you one wasn't being truthful when we talked last or simply you wanted to see what you could get away with. So what one is it? 

Last time we spoke in ts I wasnt being truthful as I hadnt fully understood the rules I just skimmed over them and I apologise. All I can do in this case is ask to be given another chance ive learnt from my mistakes and this will not happen again moving forward if I were to be unbanned.

But how can we trust you're not yet again lying?

Im being completely honest and just want to get back into the server and rp ive missed the community and have had a long break to think about my actions. Ive been through this process twice now as you know and I cant be bothered with any of it I just want to keep my head down and stick to the rules.

I cant be bothered with any of it
Well, neither can we... We would much rather play on the server ourselves and have nobody break rules at all, but we can´t all have what we want, hmm? 

Now, I will give you one last chance. Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent and will have to be appealed again... Any ban considering combat logging will also come with an automatic cooldown of 6 months before you can appeal again. Do not waste this chance, there will not be another.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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