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Unban Appeal - requis the priest - GTA RP

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requis the priest


Server: GTA RP
Character Name: jimmy just
Steam ID: 76561199099094618
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk17240
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: combat logging
Why should we unban you: Hi, I hope you are having a good day towards the staff who takes this appeal. Firstly, I would like to apologise for my past actions and how I took my appeal as unserious by using AI to write my answer. Firstly I would like to give the reasoning for this to help you understand why i may have done this, during the time of me disconnecting, a hacker present on the server killed me and I was simply annoyed meaning I “rage quit” my game due to the annoyance of this event. Furthermore, my recent activity on the server has declined due to a close friend Ollie Just receiving a suspension which I then contained a sort of nihilistic approach to my presence on the server without him; however, I assure you I wish to return to this community and continue the name and hopefully see him in the future.

Now as to the ban itself, C2.3 Combat logging, I have understood where I have gone wrong and for next time I will make a ticket allowing staff to understand my reasoning for my disconnect. (Or respond to tickets I have been pinged on – Sorry for missing this). I hope to be let back into the community and please consider that this is my first offence, which could be classed as a simple misunderstanding, however, I did not take the correct steps to keep myself on the right side of the rules. Any further questions I will gladly answer in this appeal.

Hope you have a great day, Jimmy Just.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @requis the priest ,

The appeal process you've been through so far is a bit of a mess and it really didn't need to be.
You were pulled into a ticket, didn't respond whilst active for an entire day, then checked it only upon realising you were then banned because you didn't want to talk with us.

You then make an appeal with ChatGPT and get it declined..?

a hacker present on the server killed me and I was simply annoyed meaning I “rage quit” my game due to the annoyance of this event.
I appreciate the situation presented to you, however, if you are able to rage quit now then who's to say this won't happen again if the roleplay doesn't go in your favour?
I have reflected upon my past actions of poor roleplay knowing that it does not fit the standards of what i should be doing in the server. I sincerely apologise for my actions and will not let my anger on the game affect my roleplay on the server. In the future, i will learn to not just "rage quit" but to inform the staff team about the situation and to be aware of my discord notifications making sure to reply to anything that concerns me.
Thanks for the response @requis the priest ! :)

I'd like to ask your overall purpose on RPUK, essentially players that run the risk of rage quitting are usually not here for the roleplay but rather a quick win.
What characters would you be planning to play if able to return?
What high quality roleplay can you provide here?
Sorry for the late reply, hope you are having a nice day.

RPUK is my first proper roleplaying server that i have started to play on, joining it at first and getting used to how to roleplay at a high standard was hard for me at first, but with the help of my friends i had managed to increase the quality of my roleplay. Unfortunately the quality of my roleplay has hindered leading to my rage quit but i assure you i am not a person that wants a quick win. I would love to continue my character of jimmy just as i have built many relationships with other people in the community hoping to eventually create a gang with some of my friends once my roleplay has gotten to a proper standard. in terms of high quality roleplay i can provide, i have not achieved my best standard yet but if allowed to re enter the community i will try my utmost best to enhance my roleplay and prove to the staff team and the community that i can build a realistic character and provide roleplay that builds my characters personality and actions according to the goal i want to achieve.
Hello @requis the priest ,

Why is it that you decided to to use ChatGPT and lie in your previous appeal?
Essentially this is your once chance to come back, yet you're trying to avoid being honest even now.
Good Afternoon hope you days going well thanks for the response,

Simply i just used it as i felt the ban was a bit unusual and therefore i didn't really put enough effort as i should have. however upon reflecting, i have realised that every appeal deserves detailed responses. I apologies for this and i assure you this wont happen again. any further questions i will gladly answer, have a great rest of your day.
Hello @requis the priest ,

Given the circumstances, and the fact you've got a clean record so far other than the above, I am willing to give you a second chance on the server.
Please, do not waste this chance. Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS and the likelihood of us entertaining another appeal so soon will be minimal.

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