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Unban Appeal - REEEEEEagan - 04/22/20

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500m out with my mar 10
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Where was you banned

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
banned for shoating at a staff memeber in a situation we all was involved in includeing the staff member and language in a lesioun

Why should we unban you ?
been on the server for 3 years been playing for a while and want to be able to talk to ppl i like thanks i need ts to be able to go further e.g police or nhs and just wanna have the option to go there when i want and need u should unban me because i have not done anything bad for a while now and hopefully shows i can be trusted apart from this mistake

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

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@REEEEEEagan When are you going to grow up ?

There are ways of dealing with things and you seem to always get it wrong or take things too far like some sort of self destruct button

thats quite tru tbf my friends will tell ya but atm now im just vibeing and chilling and dont think it will be a problem anymore as if im honest i cant be arsed for all this arma drama cheers as these past few days of chilling without ts has taught me and all in all quite sick of the leaisoun situation as a whole on all role play communtiys so i dont think a problem would arise i was just childish But i do understand that quite a lot of my appeal have just quite been well im childish please forgive me and im quite grateful for these chances so the best thing i can say is i wont do it again and you would have to put your trust in me not two do it again as myself im bored of the im childish im just quick to anger and take things quite personaly and feel that stage is over so i hope u can trust me and understand were im comeing from thanks

i do allso feel with however this apeal goes that personally i need to take some time off the internet for my own personal benefit well as much as i can during these times thanks

maybe an animal crossing holiday is what i need 🙂 

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i cant be arsed for all this arma drama
Yet you are contributing in status updates rather than allowing our staff team to deal with the people taking the piss out of your spelling, You do this elsewhere as well.... Personally I think you like the drama that's why all this happens.

Its a headache to our staff team, Id rather you stay elsewhere and play here to be honest if this is all you bring to the table

I have been forum restricte so I will have to use this the stautus updates isint to cause drama I thought you of all ppl would understand as we do sometimes have it nothing that was posted was to cause drama its friends having banter and still dosent negate the fact of my above statement cheers

What is wrong with friends having "banter" via a group chat rather than on the forums where your going to pickup warning points ?

My staff team will follow our rules and issue warning points, especially when it appears someone is taking the piss out of someone and a number of reports are coming in via the forum report tool.

Waste of bloody time!

I think its best for you not to have a forum account nor access to our teamspeak, I think it will be better for us and better for you long term you only need to concentrate keeping your nose clean on the servers then.

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