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Unban Appeal - Reecesmurfunban - 07/02/20

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New member
In-game Name
Reece smurf

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic ka

Reason given for your ban.

Which server are you banned from?

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for a few reason first of being my lack of decent RolePlay, then I went on to do some stupid things led by stupid people who I never thought I would follow.

Why should we unban you ?
First off I Want too say sorry too anyone I affected during my stupid staged of being a toxic dickhead. It’s been I long time since my ban and I’ve hard a lot of time too reflect on what I did and how much better I could of handled the situation, first of I would like too explain my actions, so when I received my perm ban I was very upset as I worked very hard to get where I was in the UNMC however I knew it was the right choice for them so I left thinking I was going to be different too the other toxic 1.6 people so I thanked the staff for the time on the server before I was banned for ts, being on my own I decided to go play with old friends on a different server this went well for a couple of days... I then started playing with some very old community members and instantly saw there hate for rpuk any time they slandered rpuk I would always say no I’m not saying anything as I don’t want too be toxic the following day I received info about unmc being shut down and being told that vladic ka pulled everyone into a room and went on to blame the fall of the unmc on me! This hurt a lot as the amount of hours I put into the faction and my love for making all its members enjoy them self’s. This made me see red and made me so angry so with that and the fact I was with these toxic people I went very sour and started to do toxic things towards the community which I do regret. Shortly after that I left the toxic people and started playing with a different group of people and carried on for a little while until I realised that the whole community was toxic so decided to go join a different community I then found new friends here a lot less toxic and a great laugh I spent about a year here working my way up in police and other things Decided too leave after a incident involving a toxic person.. gave up gaming sold my pc and now only really play Xbox.
Basically I’ve learned a lot since my ban realised the error in my ways and how bad I got, I’m not looking for a full unban all im after is too be aloud back into the community so I can join ts talk too old friends and see how the community I loved being apart of has grown.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

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