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Unban Appeal - RayDunlan - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Sonny Liston
Steam ID: 76561199148981931
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16974
Ban Reason: C2.3 combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: 08/04/2024 for combat logging (which I can’t remember)
04/05/2024 for combat logging (which I do remember and that’s what got me banned)
Why should we unban you: Hello Staff,

Thank you for your time and reading my appeal (again). Much appreciated. I hope this is going to be a good one for me

Unfortunately this is my 4th appeal so far. The first, second and the third one got denied.

This appeal kind of is similar as the 3rd one because it got denied quick because I made a ticket way to fast after the second one got denied. This is the best way for me to explain everything to yall.

I would like to start by saying that I’m confused about the whole situation. I’m trying to be as honest as I can and I kind of feel like that’s probably not the way to do it.
The reason why I say this is because I’ve been honest about me breaking the rules and explain myself why I did it. Unfortunately every time I do I still get denied for an unban appeal.

In my second appeal I told staff that I had been smoking weed for a daily basis when I was active in the city/server. I said that because that had been the reason for me to not remembering everything I did that was involved with breaking the rules. I was trying to say that I couldn’t remember combat logging for the first time around 08/04/2024 (that is what staff saw in the logs) I still do remember clearly when I combat logged at 04/05/2024. I got also banned for that after.

I just want to be clear here, that me, smoking weed, won’t “let me” break rules.

Only thing I said was that I’ve smoked a lot of weed during that time, and because of it, I couldn’t remember everything.

Me breaking the rule “C2.3 combat logging” wasn't me doing it on purpose. It was a sloppy, selfish and stupid choice I made. I underestimated the whole rule.

Staff asked me politely (second appeal) if I could give an answer for why I broke the rules and this is honestly my best reason. I am not going to lie about that.
My intention was never to tell y’all and “alert” y’all that I am smoking weed / “using drugs” and because of that I would break the rules again. I made a stupid choice by combat logging multiple times and underestimating the rule system. Either other than that, I’ve never broke any other rules. I’ve spend good decent hours especially at the beginning when I started being active in the city. I’ve also never caused any harm to others. I was active for the role play and that’s what’s all about in this city. And I liked it.

Sure I do accept that you have permanent banned me for combat logging. I’m facing the consequences now. But still I’ve never been banned before. I read a lot of people’s unban appeals and see many people getting chances for the first time and also for multiple times and they still get a chance to go back to the city.

Maybe I shouldn’t compare my appeal with others but it’s still disappointing that I’m still here trying to get another chance from y’all.

I’ve said many times that I’ve learned my lesson and that I won’t do it again. I apologized many times too. I don’t know what else I should do to be honest. I’m just asking if I can come back and play again in this server which I liked and had a good time.

Again, I am not here to waste your time, I am not here to break more rules when I get unbanned. I am here to ask for forgiveness for my mistakes I’ve made during my time in the city. I just want to proof myself.

Please if you have any further question please ask them and I will answer them quick and honest as possible…

It would be lovely to begin my journey again and continue were I left off and try to rebuild everything I had in the city.

My best regards,

Sonny Liston

Sonny From The Block
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @RayDunlan

I hope all is well today?

Lets get in to this shall we?
Your 1st appeal - Was declined due to lack of effort.
Your 2nd appeal - You put in effort but had lied, lying gets people no where.
Your 3rd appeal - You blamed it on being high and said it would only be at the weekend.
We won't include the 4th appeal at this moment.

I read a lot of people’s unban appeals and see many people getting chances for the first time and also for multiple times and they still get a chance to go back to the city.
You may see it as unfair, we deal with each appeal individually, they will get dealt with in their own time in their own way. I won't say anything more on that.

So what is going to be different in this appeal?
Good afternoon @RayDunlan

I hope all is well today?

Lets get in to this shall we?
Your 1st appeal - Was declined due to lack of effort.
Your 2nd appeal - You put in effort but had lied, lying gets people no where.
Your 3rd appeal - You blamed it on being high and said it would only be at the weekend.
We won't include the 4th appeal at this moment.

You may see it as unfair, we deal with each appeal individually, they will get dealt with in their own time in their own way. I won't say anything more on that.

So what is going to be different in this appeal?
Hello Jessie, thank you for replying on my appeal. Much appreciated

Yes thank you, everything is well. I hope for you too

I like to start by saying about my 2nd appeal that it got denied because I “lied”.
I just want to state that I didn’t lie. I just couldn’t remember that’s because I didn’t tell yall about me combat logging again at a other date or other character. I just couldn’t remember and that’s the reason for me that I didn’t tell it on my appeal. If I did, I would say it. Honest to god

“So what is going to be different in this appeal?”

Well the difference in this appeal is:

It’s me asking the community and staff for another chance. Why? Because I want to proof myself. I want show you quality roleplay and show you that I won’t break any other rules. I’m here to have fun. I am here to enjoy the server/city as much as I can.

My selfishness and my choices brought me here and now I know how serious it is. I’ve never got banned before and I feel bad about the whole situation because I just want to be the best I can to show you that I can behave and play the server the best way I can.

I totally underestimated the rule and that’s the reason I got permanently banned for it. Believe it or not but I don’t want to be here again. It’s a shame for myself that I did it. And I feel the consequences now.

Again, I apologize for me breaking the rules.

I would like to have another chance to proof myself again and re continue my journey on the city again. I really liked it <3

Best regards,

Sonny Liston

Sonny From The Block
Good evening @RayDunlan

I hope all is well this evening?

Walk me through everything you remember from that time?

How can you assure us that you will not end up here again?
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Hi @Jessie Bennett ,
Thank your time again and quick reply. I’m really happy for that.

I’ll try to explain everything as best as I can.

“Walk me through everything you remember from that time?”
Well it’s been like 4-5 months now since I’ve been in the city. Everything was going good for me until I got a dispute with a so called “leader” in a mafioso group. I was a hangabout. There was some things going on between me and some other gang. I tried to ask for help and guidance at my group I was in but they wouldn’t help me out. I felt left alone. This group I was in lacked a lot of roleplay and motivation. So I decided to act and go for myself. Everything went good in the beginning. Later a little bit drama here and there but nothing real serious.

After the whole situation I decided to leave this group due the fact that it practically was death and abandoned. They were not active at all. Especially the leader. He was never in the city and didn’t want to do nothing in roleplay because he was to afraid some stuff would happen.

After that I started to build my own thing make my own money by dealing drugs, doing deals and playing in the casino. Sometimes it was good for me and sometimes not. I got robbed multiple times, dumped multiple times etc etc.

I was proud of myself because I could buy my own house, my own vehicles. It was hell of a grind. But a good grind!
And I have to say like I said in my other appeals I was consuming a lot of marijuana in that time because of the serious hours I put in the city. I was enjoying myself a lot.
I crashed a lot of times with my vehicle because I didn’t wear a seatbelt. Lost good valuable stuff many times.

(If I’m allowed back in I won’t abuse my marijuana consumption and use it as an excuse/reason if I would break any rules. So please don’t think I’m going to be a problem because of marijuana. It was just me telling y’all why I couldn’t remember literally everything I did me involving breaking rules)

Unfortunately I made a stupid choice by combat logging one time (that’s what I clearly remember) after a role play scenario where I got dumped and killed. I couldn’t be bothered to bleed out. Something came up aswell so I decided to close the game. The next day I saw that I got banned.

Before that it happened apparently aswell but I don’t remember that. That’s why I probably gave yall a feeling that I was lying about it. I just can’t remember..! I am sorry for that

“How can you assume us that you will not end up here again?”
Well I have to admit that you guys kicked me in the butt for this. You let me feel this. And what I’m trying to say is that staff showed me not the screw around if it comes to breaking rules. I underestimated the whole situation.
This gave me a good lesson not to do it again. I’ve also never expected that it took some time for me making appeals. I’m already happy that yall are giving me space and a chance to hear me out and see what I have to say about all this.

I want to rebuild everything I had, I want to grind and have awesome role play with people in the city and have fun. I had so many laughs and good times in that city. It was awesome. I want to repeat that again.

First thing what I’m going to do IF yall let me back in is start my grind again and make some solid contacts. I want yall to see and watch me provide good quality roleplay.

I want to promise yall you won’t see me in this section again. Give me this small chance to prove it! I won’t prove wrong or let yall down.

I’m not here to waste your time. I’m here to show you my best!

My best regards,

Sonny Liston

Sonny From The Block
Good morning @RayDunlan

I hope all is well today?

Thank you for your thought out responses.

You had said about something coming up so you left, why did you not make make staff aware of this? We understand things come up and you need to leave, all we ask is you make us aware.

Can you please quote the rule for me and explain in your own words why you believe this rule is in place
Hello @Jessie Bennett how are you

Thanks for the responds. I am thankful

Let me answer your questions the best I can here:

You had said about something coming up so you left, why did you not make make staff aware of this? We understand things come up and you need to leave, all we ask is you make us aware
Well I figured that one out later on. I should’ve used the OOC. But it was super late in the city so I didn’t think nobody was around. Also I didn’t use the OOC that often.

I handled in a quick and selfish matter. I realized everything later.. maybe I had to send a message in the OOC so it would stay there in the logs, i am not sure. My
Apologies for that. I had to be more patient and accept the whole scenario.

Can you please quote the rule for me and explain in your own words why you believe this rule is in place

C2.3 Combat Logging (Permanent Ban)
Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

Well basically combat logging is like cheating/exploiting yourself out of it. So you try to manipulate the whole system by just sneak out before bleeding out. Or avoiding any RP scenario where you can’t be bothered to do the scenario.
Or you can’t face or accept that you will lose some valuable stuff that were having with you. Because after you die and start a new life you will lose everything. You can’t also remember non of it.

It’s like comparing it in real life kinda. If I for example get killed/wounded and dumped somewhere after I got robbed and wounded/seriously harmed, I cannot just “teleport” myself to a hospital. It doesn’t make sense.

The roleplay in this server/city needs to be strict and serious as possible. I have to stick up on the rules.

Combat logging just ruins the game. That is no roleplay at all.

Please if you have any further questions let me know and I will respond as quick as I can.

My best regards,

Sonny Liston

Sonny From The Block
Good evening @RayDunlan

I hope all is well today?

It’s like comparing it in real life kinda. If I for example get killed/wounded and dumped somewhere after I got robbed and wounded/seriously harmed, I cannot just “teleport” myself to a hospital. It doesn’t make sense.
Exactly this, I am happy to see this understanding

Is there anything that would stop you from following the rules or remembering what if you were to be given a second chance?

What would you do differently if you were in a similar situation?
Hi @Jessie Bennett

Thanks I’m good. I hope you are good today aswell

Thanks again for the respond. Much appreciated

Exactly this, I am happy to see this understanding

Is there anything that would stop you from following the rules or remembering what if you were to be given a second chance?

What would you do differently if you were in a similar situation?

Well right now I know what the consequences are. Unfortunately yall have closed the gate for me to the city and I am disappointed because of it. Not because of yall, but more because of myself.

I grinded a lot during my time in the city. If I would get another chance I would try to slow it down and think better before taking stupid actions like this one..

It’s a whole process for me to get another chance and try to get an opportunity to come back to the city. If so, I would be so thankful and I won’t let you down. I will promise some good time and quality roleplay

I underestimated the whole rule. I should’ve never done that. I should take my time and chances to actually use the OOC and hope for a response or you guys would read it later if it was still in the logs before I left.

Next time when I will face the same scenario I will have two options here.

- if i have to leave at the moment when i need to bleed out what’s so ever I will use the OOC immediately and ask for staff

- or accept the fact and have my own responsibility by just bleed out and respawn and then close the game. I accepted the rules of the server so I have to be a man and face the responsibilities.

Thanks for your time. Please if you have any further questions please ask them and I will answer them.

My best regards,

Sonny Liston

Sonny From The Block
Good afternoon @RayDunlan

I hope all is well this afternoon?

Thank you for the effort and detail in your responses, it has not gone unnoticed.

I am willing to give you a second chance on the server, do not throw this back in my face. I would also like to point out that you are responsible for your own roleplay and will be responsible for any punishments if you break another rule.

Any bans you receive within the next 6 months will bring you back here

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