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Unban Appeal - r1_banddz - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: austin krag
Steam ID: 76561199761093058
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18814
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: i believe the ban was for combat logging
Why should we unban you: I think I should be unban because my internet had some issues back then now it doesn't because it has been resolved and also i think everyone deserves a second chance and i also like this server and i like spending time on it and i like to enjoy this with my friends
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @r1_banddz .

Your last appeal had no effort in, this one has one line extra.
If you're going to put zero effort into your chance of returning here, then we're going to put no effort in either.

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