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Unban Appeal - peacey - GTA RP

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Nobody important

Unban Appeal for peacey 

In-game Name: Jake Samuel

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198257285324

Ban ID: !!RPUK14410!!

Reason given for your ban: Banned on assumption of metagaming

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was reported by Ballas for metagaming along with John the report was accepted without me showing my evidence and was based on a assumption with no proof at all.

My evidence:

As you can see i dont at any point see John or know John was there.
I saw Lilly on top of Deli roof so i went to buy a knife to "rob" her but when i came back she was gone so i decided to start searching there turf, As shown in the clip

Why should we unban you ?: I was banned on a assumption with zero proof of the alleged rule break.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @peacey,

What are the discord notifications that can be heard at the end of your clip?

Why should I believe this?

If you where watching someone's stream playing a completely different game, I would think there would be a chat going on between each other, no?

But there isn't, its just dead silent....

Which leads me to believe that someone is streaming the server.

In your attempts of disproving the metagaming accusation, you said that you were there to catch one of the ballers off guard in attempts to rob/stab one of them. But I would say you where in a perfect position to do so. He was running at you closing the gap between you both, which would of made it a perfect opportunity to do so.

With your video provided, I think it only makes you look worse and proves that you where in a discord call with someone screensharing by the notifications of someone joining and leaving the stream.

Next time give us the truth, because we aren't believing this...

Can re-appeal in a month time (19/11/23)


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