In-game Name
[Sc] Used To Be Staff
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
Which server are you banned from?
Altis Life
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
a lot of reasons, in honesty theres too much to even pin point 1 but all deserved, it was a long time ago like 3 years more or less i'm not even too sure, i did a lot wrong here and dont expect anything to come of this but it would be nice to have the shot. In reality i know i did wrong not only wrong but plain stupid and deep down i do know exactly what i did.
Why should we unban you ?
Well, i don't really use the pc anymore and havent for over a year not only that but haven't really played arma at all for just as long. I dont take myself too seriously anymore and also dont do the same with a game, I'd ideally like to use the teamspeak and some of the server for some fun every week. Like i stated i really don't play games anymore but being able to play samething like i used to 3 years ago would be nice.
I know i'm not liked by staff here and probably quite a few members too but i read you guys don't hold grudges and i hope thats true because stuff isn't the same as it used to be. I know for a fact that management very much don't like me and the stuff I did and i know exactly what it all it, theres no point me trying to hide anything it's past that point now.
It's a longshot and one i don't see in my favour the odds are well against me but i think its been such a long time and so much has happened since that it can be forgot at some point.
Realisticly at the end of the day it's a server for a game a server i once really liked and without trying to blame anyone else i feel i got sucked into the wrong mind set when playing and i'm not trying to excuse anything that happened. A lot got taken too far and considering i was a little 16 year old with a kids sense of humour anything was hillarious but im going on 21 and at some point everyone changes and I'm not like that anymore.
I am to blame for all my actions that lead to this and theres no pussyfooting around that. but I apologise even if I don't get unbanned because that whole period was stupid and unnecessary.
Management, you know what i'm talking about when i write all this especilaly wilco and vlad it's too much to go back on now and like I said even if nothing changes and stuff remains as it is I still give my appologies regardless of the impact.
It is what it is and I hope we can put it behind us and just move ahead but ultimately that's up to you guys I can understand either way to be honest and respect any decision you guys make.
Thanks a lot.
Just to add the perm ban form wasnt working for me so i did it here instead I don't know if that was right to do or not it's been too long
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules
[Sc] Used To Be Staff
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
Which server are you banned from?
Altis Life
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
a lot of reasons, in honesty theres too much to even pin point 1 but all deserved, it was a long time ago like 3 years more or less i'm not even too sure, i did a lot wrong here and dont expect anything to come of this but it would be nice to have the shot. In reality i know i did wrong not only wrong but plain stupid and deep down i do know exactly what i did.
Why should we unban you ?
Well, i don't really use the pc anymore and havent for over a year not only that but haven't really played arma at all for just as long. I dont take myself too seriously anymore and also dont do the same with a game, I'd ideally like to use the teamspeak and some of the server for some fun every week. Like i stated i really don't play games anymore but being able to play samething like i used to 3 years ago would be nice.
I know i'm not liked by staff here and probably quite a few members too but i read you guys don't hold grudges and i hope thats true because stuff isn't the same as it used to be. I know for a fact that management very much don't like me and the stuff I did and i know exactly what it all it, theres no point me trying to hide anything it's past that point now.
It's a longshot and one i don't see in my favour the odds are well against me but i think its been such a long time and so much has happened since that it can be forgot at some point.
Realisticly at the end of the day it's a server for a game a server i once really liked and without trying to blame anyone else i feel i got sucked into the wrong mind set when playing and i'm not trying to excuse anything that happened. A lot got taken too far and considering i was a little 16 year old with a kids sense of humour anything was hillarious but im going on 21 and at some point everyone changes and I'm not like that anymore.
I am to blame for all my actions that lead to this and theres no pussyfooting around that. but I apologise even if I don't get unbanned because that whole period was stupid and unnecessary.
Management, you know what i'm talking about when i write all this especilaly wilco and vlad it's too much to go back on now and like I said even if nothing changes and stuff remains as it is I still give my appologies regardless of the impact.
It is what it is and I hope we can put it behind us and just move ahead but ultimately that's up to you guys I can understand either way to be honest and respect any decision you guys make.
Thanks a lot.
Just to add the perm ban form wasnt working for me so i did it here instead I don't know if that was right to do or not it's been too long
Please confirm this unban request is for you.
I have read and understand the unban appeal process
I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules