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Unban Appeal - NOOSE-RYAN - GTA RP

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Los Santos

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ryan White
Steam ID: 76561198308264434
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16537
Ban Reason: G9.2 & G9.5
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for giving out NHS supplies to friends
Why should we unban you: Hello Staff,

I hope you are doing well.

It has been almost three months since my last appeal. This ban was for handing out NHS supplies to freinds and then lying about doing it once I had been caught. This was however my first ever ban or even any action in a moderation capacity from Staff in my year of playing RPUK. RPUK is a very serious server in which I have gained a fair amount of enjoyment from over the past year.

To be honest, I gave the supplies to friends in order to help them out and lied about it as I thought it would be an easy way out of the mess I ended up getting myself into. I now realise what a huge mistake this was and lying only caused further conserquence. How do you know if I were to be given a second chance that I wouldnt lie again... well I wouldnt be as stupid to do what I did and any future mistake I make, i will hold my hands up to as I now know this is the best option going forward but only my actions can vouch for this and not the words I type.

If given the chance to be allowed to RP again on RPUK, I would remove the character that I had the NHS with and play fulltime on my Police Constable character, a Character that obided by the server rules and never was so stupid to get banned in the first place.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to hearing from you again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
To be honest, I gave the supplies to friends in order to help them out and lied about it as I thought it would be an easy way out of the mess I ended up getting myself into. I now realise what a huge mistake this was and lying only caused further conserquence. How do you know if I were to be given a second chance that I wouldnt lie again... well I wouldnt be as stupid to do what I did and any future mistake I make, i will hold my hands up to as I now know this is the best option going forward but only my actions can vouch for this and not the words I type.
Why did you decide to lie to me when we talked in game?

Now most of the appeal overall is simply saying "Oh my bad" let me back. Not how the appeals process works. So start by going over what you we're doing and what you said and we will go from there.
Why did you decide to lie to me when we talked in game?

Now most of the appeal overall is simply saying "Oh my bad" let me back. Not how the appeals process works. So start by going over what you we're doing and what you said and we will go from there.
HI Stuart,

This was ofc 4 months ago and I cant exactly remember every aspect of the interaction we had. I remember handing out supplies to freinds and telling them if anyone asks just to say I was robbed if I remember. I decided to lie to you simply because I wanted to get away with the whole thing. I understand now that it doesnt work that way and it was a mistake on my behalf.
This was ofc 4 months ago and I cant exactly remember every aspect of the interaction we had. I remember handing out supplies to freinds and telling them if anyone asks just to say I was robbed if I remember. I decided to lie to you simply because I wanted to get away with the whole thing. I understand now that it doesnt work that way and it was a mistake on my behalf.
The interaction we had is when I pulled you for this ban.

The lie I'm referring to is in prior appeals you blamed it on "Not reading the rules", However when I pulled you in game before issuing the ban. You also mentioned to your friends that if anyone asks you will say you we're robbed. However both are lies. You willingly give away the items (I was watching you). So I'd like this explained please.

You wanted to get away with it?

Why not simply be honest? You'd have to know that being honest goes a lot further than lying to us and in general.

I understand now that it doesnt work that way and it was a mistake on my behalf.
There is a mistake like "Oh sorry I stubbed my toe" Then there is complete misuse of the system we have in place. So how can we trust what you are saying here as the truth and moving forth if you couldn't simply be honest to start with?
Hi Staurt.

In my previous appeals, I did state that I did not read the rules. Why, well because I thought this was a valid excuse and that the ban would be lifted and given a second chance. I should have been honest from the start as you put it, it would have went further than just simply lying.

How can you trust this to be the truth, welll, because I would say I have learned a lesson that lying doesnt help and that it has caused me to miss out on RPUK. This is the gods honest truth.
Good evening @NOOSE-RYAN

I hope all is well this evening?

Now since you have lied to us, more than once might I add. How can we trust you for going forward?
If you were to be unbanned what roleplay are you looking to provide?
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Thanks for responding.

The way I believe to build back trust that I broke would be to prove it in game. Actions speak louder than words and nothing I can say here will actually prove that trust can be built but instead the actions I take which will be to conduct myself in a manner which abides to RPUK standards which means following city and department rules at all times as well as maintaining a high level of Roleplay while in the city. I understand that the trust I broke isn't easily repairable, especially lying on multiple occasions however I am willing to show that I am serious about this.

If unbanned, I would firstly delete the character that I was banned on. The Roleplay I would be looking to provide would be from my other character which is currently a Response Officer inside of the Los Santos Police Service. I enjoyed the roleplay thoroughly that being a Police Officer inside of the city has provided and would like to continue with that experience as well as eventually joining either Firearms or the Roads Policing Unit
Good morning @NOOSE-RYAN ,

In my previous appeals, I did state that I did not read the rules. Why, well because I thought this was a valid excuse and that the ban would be lifted and given a second chance. I should have been honest from the start as you put it, it would have went further than just simply lying.
So you did read the rules, and were more than aware of them as you've now stated.
During your NHS induction, you'd have also been told via OOC methods that you are not to hand your equipment out yet you ignored that too.

You gave the supplies out to your friends to help them out, completely disregarding the roleplay aspects of this game.
This leads me to ask if your purpose here is to roleplay? We're looking for players who will provide high quality roleplay and enjoy the roleplay scenarios presented to them, not players who will break rules for a quick win or to help their friends out quickly with the whitelisting they have access to.
Hi Danou,

Thanks for the reply,

My purpose is to Roleplay. I enjoy the aspect of scenarios that I have been faced with as a Police Officer in the city and have provide quality roleplay in response to said scenarios in which some cases can be from a simple Traffic Stop to gathering evidence as IIT.

This server provides roleplay to a level that can not be contested with any other server that I have played before. My intention is solely to roleplay and RPUK provides the best experience.
Good morning @NOOSE-RYAN , thanks for the response.

IF we are to give you another chance here, due to the nature of this ban you'll receive a faction blacklist until further notice.
This would indeed mean you lose access to your Police & NHS characters which you currently have in that aspect, do you agree to these terms?
Hi Danoo,

I was informed by Stuart when I was banned that I would be blacklisted from the NHS, I didnt realise this would include the Police too which is really kind of why I play RPUK as the role its self is unique. Is there any possible way I could keep the Police, I understand about being blacklisted from the NHS as what I did was truly stupid.

If not then yeah I agree to the terms.

I have spoken to Stuart in regards to this appeal and he didn't at any point say that it was ONLY the NHS either.
If you've easily broken these rules as NHS and then lied about it to staff at the time, how can I trust you with Police whitelisting with access to a similar armoury system?

To allow this would essentially be running a big risk for us, no?

Thanks for the swift response.

You are right, the trust I have broken will need to be earned back again, is there any estimate on how long I will be blacklisted?
Good afternoon @NOOSE-RYAN !

If you were to receive this blacklist, there is no estimated time on it - Essentially it will be until further notice however you'd be able to appeal it with Staff Leads although not immediately.

You've mentioned you mainly play Police, so if this is implemented would you still play on RPUK as other characters or not at all until the blacklist is removed?
Hi Danoo,

Yes I would still play as I enjoyed playing as a Lorry Driver and various other small job roles that are available.
Good evening @NOOSE-RYAN , thanks for the response.

I've discussed this appeal with a handful of other staff members. This is currently the only ban / punishment you hold on your record and I do hope it remains this way.
We've decided to go ahead and give you another chance on the server however, you do have a faction blacklist in place now until further notice. You can appeal this faction blacklist via staff-leads ticket when you feel the time is right however there's no guarantee they'll accept it.

Please do not waste the chance here, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the fair ban system.

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