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Unban Appeal - NightlyHD - GTA RP

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United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Denzo Mikami
Steam ID: 76561198353400565
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16056
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Thank you taking the time to review this application.

The reason why I was banned was because I used a in-game glitch to avoid dying, I had brought a house and was selling drugs on my motorcycle when I had crashed and fell off the bike, I requested an ambulance however there wasn't any available within the city. I left the server and re-joined and when I re-joined I was up and moving. By doing this it gave me a advantage over other players and was breaking several community rules which I vowed to follow with my recent ban appeal.
Why should we unban you: There is many things I could say to attempt to be unban. But the main one is Sorry. Sorry for abusing the ban appeals trust, Sorry for thinking I was better than others by 'cheating' death. I broke the trust of the ban appeals team by getting unbanned and than getting banned within 72 hours of that appeal getting accepted. I honestly don't know what I was thinking or even if I was at that point I should of waited before putting that appeal in to further reflect on my actions previously and to make that appeal for when I'm ready. I know I can be go above my self and push my limits. What I did was childish and honestly looking back at it now, was stupid. The team here have worked hard to make it a safe and respectful community and having people like me come in and do stuff like that isn't fun for the team and the players who play within.

The punishment I was given was fair and I completely understand with my previous record that this appeal has a high chance of being denied. I feel if I was to be given a third chance that I will use it to the best of my ability. I will re-join with the highest level of professionalism respect and maturity. I will make sure that once I've flown in I remain in character and if something occurs that I don't agree with or don't like I take it outside the city and deal with it with the correct people instead of taking actions into my own hands. I vow that this third chance will be used in the way the second chance should of been and that I will NOT let you know anymore. I hope to hear back from you soon, have a great day.

Thomas <3
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @NightlyHD , I hope all is well! :)

Are you actually here for roleplay is the main question?
From what I've seen, you've got a bit of a win/loss mentality... We're a roleplaying server at the end of the day, surely the character development and continuing the roleplay scenario you were in would be the priority rather than combat logging and exploiting?

Given the fact you only lasted 72 hours since your last ban, I don't really see anything good that could come out of allowing you back in this community.
Hello Danoo,

I'm doing well, as I hope you are too.

To answer your question. Yes and I totally agree I did have a win/loss mentality. I thought I could out-play the systems you have to give my self an advantage over others. My roleplay over the past 5 years has increased however, over the past 3-4 months I think I've out-preformed my expectations along side others. I took some time away from my computer and when I've returned I feel like I have improved. I can totally see the hesitate of giving me a third chance. At the end of the day this is a community and you as a staff member are here to protect the members whom play. However I can just say this. I give you my word that I will perform the roleplay to the highest level of expectations that the community expects it's members to. I will make sure that I review the rules to the T. Me typing in the words QUIT in the F8 console has caused so much more issues than me continuing the scene which could of lasted less than an hour. I deeply regret my actions. I can't denied that I didn't mean to combabt log. I deep down did it so I didn't loose my stuff. However looking back at it now I could of easily gain it back and could of gone about it in a totally different way.
Good morning, I am very well thank you! :)

When you combat logged, you logged out with the following:

1x Mining Pickaxe, 3600 Petrol, £73 Cash, 273 Bagged Cocaine, 22 Gold Ore, 3 Bag of Talkers, 1 ID, 1 Repair Kit, 1 Screw Driver, 1 Smartphone, 4 Water & 1 Petrol Can.
IF you were allowed back into this community, I hope you do understand that this will be wiped from your inventory upon return?

Moving on, since being banned, have you been playing in any other roleplaying communities out of curiosity or have you taken a fairly large break?
Hello Danoo, thanks for getting back to me,

Looking back at it now the items I tried to save have caused so much issue, this whole situation I could have prevent if I wasn’t selfish and immature. I fully understand that if I was to be allowed back, the items listed about will be wiped and I’d have to work to get back on my feet.

Since I got banned a join a whitelisted UK RPC which help me with a better understanding of fantastic roleplay and realism however a month in the server had a issue and we couldn’t be apart of it any more. Since than I’ve mainly just been taking a break from gaming as a whole, the odd day or two coming on however I’ve been more focused on my work / social life balance however I feel as tho I am ready to rejoin this community and prove that I have improved and that I will not caused any issue again

Good morning @NightlyHD , thanks for the response.

If you were essentially given another chance on RPUK;

What's your plan when you return?
What high quality roleplay can you provide here?
Good Morning,

If I was to be given another chance I'd look to associate my self a good group of people who would help me learn more about the communities features along side learning basis. I would love to become apart of one of the many business you have such as working in a café or even the garages you have. Overall improving my roleplay as I progress through Roleplay UK. My overall aim would be to have one of my characters become a business owner and another one to work within the ambulance service if that's allowed.
To further add to the above is also like to look to see if I can make some detailed and unique roleplay situations that would give the police and also civilians of the city some involvement and investigation skills as that’s something I would love to progress in if that’s okay?
Good morning @NightlyHD ,

If I am to give you another chance on this server, not only will it come with the inventory wipe as stated above but;
Any bans you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent ban - This will also come with an automatic 6 month cooldown before you can even appeal again which will not be changed.

Do you agree with these terms?
Yes I fully understand and agree with those terms.

Your gonna see a new side of me that will not receive a ban
Good evening @NightlyHD ,

I am going to give you one more chance on the server, I hope you can prove to us that you're actually here for roleplay and can follow the server rules.
Your character Denzo Mikami has had an inventory wipe as I listed above.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent which has a 6 month appeal cooldown attached to it too.
Please ensure you've read the rules before joining again, and do not waste the chance.

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