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Unban Appeal - neo8445 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Neo Luna
Steam ID: 76561198879585742
Ban ID (just the numbers): 29
Ban Reason: (G2.9) Transferring Items/Money Permanent ban Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.
Why do you think you were banned: I understand why I was banned, and I acknowledge that my actions might have caused some confusion or concern. I was just trying to have a good time at the casino. However, I realize now that what I intended not have been the best approach. I'm sorry for any issues I caused and appreciate the opportunity to reflect and learn from this experience. I hope there's a way to make things right and move forward positively.
Why should we unban you: It has been four months since the ban, and during this time, I’ve had the chance to deeply reflect on my actions and the impact they may have had on the community. I now fully understand why what I did was inappropriate, even if my intentions were simply to enjoy some time at the casino.

This period of reflection has given me a new perspective on the importance of following rules and respecting the guidelines that are in place to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. I realize that my actions, while not malicious, were misguided and could have caused unintended disruptions.

I’m asking for another chance because I’ve learned from this experience and am committed to making sure it doesn’t happen again. I’m eager to rejoin the community and contribute positively, fully aware now of the responsibilities that come with being a member. I hope you’ll consider my request for an unban, as I’m ready to join the community and prove my self worthy again,
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @neo8445 , I hope all is well! :)

Why do you think you were banned: I understand why I was banned, and I acknowledge that my actions might have caused some confusion or concern.
They have definitely caused some concern, the rule you've broken has the potential to mess with the player economy which is why it's in place.
If everyone had the ability the transfer items across characters (Including the starter money after tutorials) then surely we'd have a bunch of millionaires within a few days.

Did you read the server rules before your ban was placed?
Hey Danoo,
Yes I did read the rules, and I did follow the other rules. But I did a mistake to go aginst them, and thats something I will come to regret. I don’t know how to explain my greatest regrets for the hole community. I can now see how money transfering can effect the hole economy. All I hope is that I can get some grace and show you all how i have changed, not just like a part of the community but as a humen.

Best regards,
Good morning @neo8445 , I hope all is well! :)

They have definitely caused some concern, the rule you've broken has the potential to mess with the player economy which is why it's in place.
If everyone had the ability the transfer items across characters (Including the starter money after tutorials) then surely we'd have a bunch of millionaires within a few days.

Did you read the server rules before your ban was placed?
Hi again dont know if u got my last text but here.

Hey Danoo,
Yes I did read the rules, and I did follow the other rules. But I did a mistake to go aginst them, and thats something I will come to regret. I don’t know how to explain my greatest regrets for the hole community. I can now see how money transfering can effect the hole economy. All I hope is that I can get some grace and show you all how i have changed, not just like a part of the community but as a humen.

Best regards,
Hello @neo8445 , thanks for the response.

It has already been a few days however, adding extra comments like you did would essentially leave your appeal locked for a few days due to bumping.

Yes I did read the rules, and I did follow the other rules. But I did a mistake to go aginst them
Why did you go against the rules though, you've not properly explained the thought process behind this, especially since you've purposely gone against something you knew.
Hey Danno,

Am so sorry for the inconvenience of seeding more appeal i just thought it got lost or something, i just miss the experience of playing on your server:)

I understand your concern and would like to explain my thought process more clearly. At the time, I was just focused on having fun in the game and didn’t fully grasp the broader consequences of transferring money between characters. It was a poor decision on my part, and I honestly didn’t think through how it could negatively affect the economy or other players’ experiences.

I recognize now that it was selfish to ignore the rules for my own benefit, and I regret that I didn't consider the impact it would have on the community. I was caught up in the moment, but that doesn't excuse my actions. I should have respected the rules that are in place for everyone’s benefit.

I’ve had time to reflect, and I truly understand why what I did was wrong. I’m committed to making sure this doesn’t happen again and to contributing positively to the server if given another chance.

Best regards,
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

I'd like to know what your overall purpose on RPUK is?
Essentially, what you've displayed so far is a mentality of a player looking for a quick win and has attempted to gain an advantage over others by breaking rules during that process.

We're looking for players in this community who are here strictly for the roleplay, and to provide high quality roleplay... Not gain a quick bit of money / items.
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

I'd like to know what your overall purpose on RPUK is?
Essentially, what you've displayed so far is a mentality of a player looking for a quick win and has attempted to gain an advantage over others by breaking rules during that process.

We're looking for players in this community who are here strictly for the roleplay, and to provide high quality roleplay... Not gain a quick bit of money / items.
Good morning @Danoo

Thank you for your response. My main goal in RPUK is to enjoy and contribute to high-quality roleplay, not just gain quick wins. I realize now that my actions came off as trying to take shortcuts, but that’s not my intention.

I’ve had time to reflect, and I genuinely want to focus on the roleplay aspect, especially since I’m excited to play and create stories with friends like Corinter. I hope I can show you that I’ve learned from this and contribute positively to the community.

Best regards,
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

Given the fact that you KNEW this was a rule before you went ahead and broke it intentionally, how can you assure me that I won't be wasting my time unbanning you?
Surely I'm running the risk of you just breaking further rules down the line because it's convenient for you at the time and you're in hope that you wouldn't get caught again?
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

Given the fact that you KNEW this was a rule before you went ahead and broke it intentionally, how can you assure me that I won't be wasting my time unbanning you?
Surely I'm running the risk of you just breaking further rules down the line because it's convenient for you at the time and you're in hope that you wouldn't get caught again?
Good morning,

I understand your concern, and I want to be completely honest—I made a poor decision, but I’ve learned from it. I can assure you that I’ve reflected deeply on why the rules are in place and how they protect the community and the roleplay experience.

Going forward, I’m committed to sticking to the rules and respecting the integrity of the server. I don’t want to risk losing the chance to play with my friend Corinter and be part of this great community. I’m ready to prove that I can follow the rules and contribute positively.

Best regards,
Good morning @neo8445 ,

Given the rule that has been broken IF you are to be unbanned then it would come with the following conditions;

You have 2 characters (Adolf Money & Neo Luna), you may pick one of these to keep who will receive a full character wipe (Cash, Inventory, Vehicles, Houses, Shops etc) however they would keep their contacts and memories.
The other character will be permanently deleted, do you agree to these conditions and if so which character would you like to keep?
Good morning @neo8445 ,

Given the rule that has been broken IF you are to be unbanned then it would come with the following conditions;

You have 2 characters (Adolf Money & Neo Luna), you may pick one of these to keep who will receive a full character wipe (Cash, Inventory, Vehicles, Houses, Shops etc) however they would keep their contacts and memories.
The other character will be permanently deleted, do you agree to these conditions and if so which character would you like to keep?
Good morning,

I completely understand and agree to these conditions. I would like to keep Neo Luna and proceed with the full character wipe. I’m ready to start fresh and prove myself as a responsible member of the community.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Best regards,
Good evening @neo8445

I've gone ahead and processed this for you. Neo Luna has received a full wipe and Adolf Money has been permanently deleted.
Given the above, I'm willing to give you another chance on the server however you need to prioritise the roleplay here rather than attempting to gain an advantage over others.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS. Please don't waste the chance.

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