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Unban Appeal - MyKeyboardsWank - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Darragh Coogan
Steam ID: 76561198007253614
Ban ID (just the numbers): 13153
Ban Reason: G2.9, C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: Looking back I believe I was banned on the 20th of June 2023. The situation in which I was banned for consisted of me assisting my friend in transferring money from one character to another. I did this so he could afford a vehicle to do the heavy goods job. I will honestly say that when I joined the server I only glanced through the rules and however I should have read them and understood them before playing the server and I should have known that this was a rule break.
Why should we unban you: I was banned over a year ago and throughout this time I have played other RP servers. However I did not feel that they possessed the same atmosphere as RPUK. This server definitely seemed the most realistic and for me the most fun at the time and I really would like to be given another chance so I can provide some good RP. On these other servers I have learned what it is like to RP and also the fundamental lesson in which everyone starts off poor and needs to work their way up to a legitimate standing rather than cheating to gain money.

I also would like to return as 2 of my good friends (whom I joined the server with) still play to this day and from what they have showed/ told me they have succeeded in getting good positions in legal factions and have explained how they got there to me. At the time of my ban I had applied for the fire service and did want to provide some quality RP however I messed up by making a stupid mistake with one of my other friends.

Furthermore I was only on the server for a short time however while I was in the city I saw that there were so much to do. Some of the other servers I played just seemed that you earn money without interacting with a sole however this server showed me that it heavily based on RP with other people which seems much more enjoyable to me.

I understand that I may need to make a new character or I just may not have anything on my character now but I can assure you that when I am on the server I will behave to a good standard and provide the best RP I can.

To my knowledge I was not banned or warned by staff prior to this instant and allplay time prior to this did not include me cheating in anyway. I made a mistake and I have had to deal with that over the past year despite me eager to come back and play.

I know you hear it a lot but I am sincerely apologetic about breaking the server rules that I did and I do hold my hands up to the fact that I did what I did. I promise I will not make the same mistakes. I hope you receive this well and I am eager to return to RPUK.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning, I hope all is well with you today! :)

Firstly, I do appreciate the effort you've put into this appeal however before I respond directly to what you've written I'd like to address the following:


During your first appeal, you had what appears to be a tantrum at the end of it because it wasn't going your way, would you care to explain this?

Following on from this, you made an appeal titled "Exposing Hypocrisy (chances are i'll be comms banned soon)".
Same as above, would you care to explain this?
Good morning, I hope all is well with you today! :)

Firstly, I do appreciate the effort you've put into this appeal however before I respond directly to what you've written I'd like to address the following:

View attachment 35014

During your first appeal, you had what appears to be a tantrum at the end of it because it wasn't going your way, would you care to explain this?

Following on from this, you made an appeal titled "Exposing Hypocrisy (chances are i'll be comms banned soon)".
Same as above, would you care to explain this?
Good afternoon Danoo,

I would firstly like to say I'm grateful for the fact you have read through my appeal.

To answer your question there's really no excuse to why I behaved in the way I did. Looking back it's quite embarrassing and childish of me to resort to insulting the very people here to help the server function how it should. I can only really blame it on my tantrum while I replied to the staff team. I can see from my responses last year that I acted in a foul way and I can only apologise sincerely for my actions.

I want to distance myself from my previous appeal as I have had over a year to improve on myself and to come up with a plan to potentially be unbanned. Arguments and tantrums are not the direction I want to go through with this unban process and like I said previously I can only apologise for my behaviour back then.
Good afternoon @MyKeyboardsWank , thanks for the response.

The way you acted back then was very entitled to say the least, if you were able to act in this manner back then, how can I essentially trust that you won't have an outburst like this moving forward?
What's changed between then and now? To be strictly honest with you, I'm leaning towards just declining your appeal due to the attitude you've shown prior to now.
Good afternoon @MyKeyboardsWank , thanks for the response.

The way you acted back then was very entitled to say the least, if you were able to act in this manner back then, how can I essentially trust that you won't have an outburst like this moving forward?
What's changed between then and now? To be strictly honest with you, I'm leaning towards just declining your appeal due to the attitude you've shown prior to now.
Good evening Danoo,I understand that it may seem difficult to trust me especially since I was a new-ish player to the community. I cannot stress enough how sorry I am for the entire staff team for the way I acted back then. And I am not indenial at all, I accept fully that I acted in a profound way in my appeal last year.

However since then I have tried out plenty of other servers and learned how to create good RP. Trying new communities allowed me to understand the purpose of RP servers, which I was pretty new to when I joined RPUK. But this is no excuse. There is no excuse for the way I acted back then. We are all adults and yet I acted in a childish manner because I was annoyed about something I had done. And yes at the time I couldn’t come to terms with blaming myself but as time passed it gave me more than enough time to reflect on my actions and I am genuinely sorry for the way I acted.

I want to assure you that I will not behave like that again. I fully accept the ban I received and I can only hope that you, Danoo and the rest of the staff team give me a chance to prove myself. To prove that I have improved and changed for the better. All I want I genuinely want to do now is provide a good standard of RP to the server and show you guys that I have changed; in turn hopefully gaining your trust.

I understand the commitment you guys put into the server to make it as enjoyable as it is as well as setting excellent standards. I am so so sorry for saying that ‘you do it for the power’ because without people like you and the rest of the staff team the server would not be held with as high regards as it is today.

Finally I just want to say that I really thankful for you checking over my ban appeal and I really want to move forward from this and regain the trust of the entire staff team by demonstrating good RP.
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

Finally I just want to say that I really thankful for you checking over my ban appeal and I really want to move forward from this and regain the trust of the entire staff team by demonstrating good RP.
I'm glad you appreciate it, however, there is no certainty that you will be unbanned even if we're going through the process.

Let's say I did give you another chance to return to this server;

What character(s) would you plan to play?
What backstories would said characters have?
What quality roleplay can you provide here?
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

I'm glad you appreciate it, however, there is no certainty that you will be unbanned even if we're going through the process.

Let's say I did give you another chance to return to this server;

What character(s) would you plan to play?
What backstories would said characters have?
What quality roleplay can you provide here?
Hi Danoo, I understand that this process does not guarantee the fact that I will be unbanned, I was just being hopeful.

My plans if I do get unbanned was to try and pursue a career in the NHS/ Fire service. Before I was banned I did apply for the fire brigade as it seemed quite interesting and an aspect of RP that I have not explored yet. I would like to have a legal career to begin with in the city so I can get to grips easier with the server before branching into the illegal side with a different character.

My backstory for my NHS character could be that I have moved to Los Santos after finishing university to pursue a career in medicine. The aspect of being helpful and respected by the civilian populace is an area that I am keen to explore. I genuinely want to provide an RP experience which isn’t just for my benefit and enjoyment but also to assist others with enjoying theirs. I already have some basic knowledge of first aid so that can help me experiment more if I were successful in joining the NHS or LSFS.

Another avenue I would like to explore is working my way into a car garage. One of my greatest passions IRL is cars and I would love to RP working as a mechanic and helping people create some cool projects. I also understand that at the main car garages there is a lot of comeradery which I would like to participate in and gather new friends along the way. I already have a vast bank of knowledge to do with cars as I am a qualified fitter IRL so I can provide detailed RP when repairing cars and assisting people who have broke down on the side of the road. With the knowledge I have I can bring prolonged RP scenarios such as RPing replacing engine parts etc rather than just clicking a few buttons and the car spontaneously becomes a modified car.

I really want to try and build RP scenarios and add something to the city. Not just to benefit me but to also create a story with other people. I hope this message reaches you well and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.
Hello @MyKeyboardsWank , thanks for the detailed response! :)

I like the idea you've got so far, and I am in hope that you'd be a good roleplayer if welcomed back here.
Back to your ban reasons, you're also banned for assisting in transferring items between characters (G2.9). Could you please explain this in some more detail and tell me why it happened to begin with?
Please respond soon, else this appeal may be timed out.
Hello Danoo, apologies for the slow response and thank you for being patient.

I believe at the time i had a friend who had just joined the server with me and we had been trying to progress for a couple days. He decided after those couple days that he wanted to create another character for different role-play scenarios such as criminal activities. After a day he wanted to make this new character his main character and decided he wanted to transfer the money from his old one to his new one. He asked if i could hold the money for him then give it him back when he was on his new character.

At the time I didn't really think about what i was doing and how would impact the server. It was stupid of me to assume there would be no repercussions as i realise now that in taking part in helping my friend it would give him an unfair advantage and possibly affect the economical system for the server. I do admit that at the time i must of been really naive to assume that this wouldn't be a problem.

If i was to get second chance, i'd like to think i'd be more mature and avoid any rule defying activities such as this, especially after experiencing the consequences first hand, as i know it does not do any good for me, the person i may be helping and anyone else for the matter.

Thank you.
Hello @MyKeyboardsWank ,

If you were to be unbanned, it will come with the following conditions;

Darragh Coogan would receive a full wipe (Licences, Houses, Shops, Cars, Assets, Inventory, Bank) etc.
Do you agree to these conditions?
Good morning,

I have gone ahead and wiped the character in question due to the rulebreak.
Given the above, I will give you a second chance on the server, this is your only ban so far and I hope it remains this way.

We will absolutely not accept any further childish behaviour here and any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS.
Please do not waste the chance :)

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