Active member
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Matty Ford
Steam ID: 76561198321573219
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14583
Ban Reason: C1.14 , G1.2
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for RDM initially after a report I submitted turned on me as I was the one who broke the rules, then after being banned another offense of threatening to report/breaking character was added to my case.
Why should we unban you: Since my last appeal, i fully left the FiveM scene, moved onto a completely different game with my friends and have since tried to forget about RPUK and leave it in the past as i know my chances of return are slim due to my immaturity and stupidity.
Being honest, i have been able to forget about the game and especially RPUK for the past 4 months, however the past month i have begun to again regret my actions and miss the fun times the community had to offer.
I believe this break was good for me as i have never not been willing to come back to RPUK, and the break of constant regret and desperation to come back has really made me realise this server was a big part of my life.
I am deeply sorry for the actions i made which led to my ban, and my previous bans, however this time i believe is different for me personally.
A break away from constantly planning what to say on my next appeal has cleared my mind about RP, i want nothing more but to return on a clean slate, i do not care about money in game or to be honest have a strict plan anymore, which i did have in my past appeals. I wish to spawn in RPUK completely fresh, as if i have never played and start a clean journey with no connections or influences on my playstyle, and experience all the ups and down i had when i first walked into the RPUK community.
I feel like my previous appeals i was clearly over doing it, i was so desperate to get back onto the server that they are all submitted at midnight of the day that i was told i could re appeal at, i hope this appeal does prove i have took an actual break form the servers appeal system, and not actually playing.
I know the chances are slim, but I'm hoping for some understanding that this time I'm not offering a strict plan of return, and I'm genuinely sorry and just want to be able to spawn in with the danny car and create a new unplanned journey !
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes