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Unban Appeal - Moorey_X - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Luke Moore
Steam ID: 76561198799133352
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19199
Ban Reason: leaving when in a threatening situation
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I made a stupid mistake in the heat of the moment. A very immatutre and out of character situation resulting in a fair punishment.
Why should we unban you: Its now been just over a month since my ban. I've spent a lot of time thinking about my actions and completely understand why I was not let back on the server. I apologise to all the admin team for wasting time and I want to assure if I am lucky enough to get another chance, I will be an asset to the community and an outstanding citizen of the city.

My actions were immature and stupid and to a certain degree I appreciate the punishment as I now feel like I understand the seriousness, responsibilty and commitment when given a lucky opportunity to play your server.

I hope to join the amazing community again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
I forgot to note above. I submitted my appeal a day early as I was unsure if it would take a few days to process, I hope that was the correct decision and apologise in advance if it wasn't.
Good evening @Moorey_X

I hope all has been well?

"Have you got nothing better to do? Fuck you and fuck this shit server" Quoting yourself here. I am interested in what happened for you to start to rage in this way.

This will have to be explained in another appeal as there is no effort in this appeal, put effort in and try again

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