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Unban Appeal - mmertkol - GTA RP


Active member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Gustavo Mendes
Steam ID: 76561199468291875
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17263
Ban Reason: C6.2,G1.2(1day ban)
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because me and some mates were trying out the sanitation jobs where we’ve been rammed by Zentorno; it all escalated as I got a bit trigger happy and shot him as soon as I got out, without saying a word, and gave little to no RP in the situation; I then proceeded to chuck him in the boot of a local car (essentially dumped him) and carried on binning. At the time I thought this was the appropriate action for me because the guy initiated with combat.

Later, I got pulled by staff and was given the day ban. At the time I wasn't satisfied with the result and wanted to try to appeal it in TS; Drex and Harry joined the TS channel to assist me. We discussed the situation that occurred in RP, and I was trying to explain that the guy in the Zentorno had no intention to provide RP and they told me two wrongs don't make a right which I definitely agree and the punishment was deserved. After further discussion, the staff told me that the day ban stood and I wasn't satisfied by the results and I got a bit heated which, I rarely do, and threw my toys out the pram by saying stuff to Drex and Harry which I shouldn’t have and I sincerely regret.
I would like to apologize to Drex and Harry for my actions during the TS call.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I would like to thank the staff member that is taking time out of their day to go through this appeal and that I'm going to be completely transparent in this appeal.

I feel like I should get unbanned because during this month cooldown I’ve had time to reflect on the situation and came to a realisation that I’m at fault for it both situations, the one in RP and the other situation in TS; I should of just taken the temp ban and should of used the time to reflect and to see where I’ve gone wrong to ensure it may never happen again while also taking the time to see where I can improve in terms of roleplay and where I can make RP enjoyable for both myself and for the people who I interact with.

Coming back to the TS call, there are no excuses for what I’ve done and it was wrong from what I had said, I should have treated the staff with more respect because they don't deserve to be ever treated like that because without them there wouldn't be no RPUK or this great community. I would like to apologize to Drex and Harry again for the inconvenience I caused that day and that this isn't a representation of me as a person at all, it was all in the heat of the moment and will ensure you that something like that will never happen again.

I've been in this community for around a year and a half now and I really enjoy roleplaying and interacting with everyone and I believe I have kept my roleplay to a high standard of quality and have built many friendships in this city, that I would like to carry on having fun in this server with them.
If this appeal was to be approved, I’m going to carry on roleplaying on Gus and pursuing a new depth of rp that I’ve never gone into berfore and that is to carry on being an initiate in Cypress and to get to know the group better and explore this new journey for Gus.

I feel like with another opportunity in RPUK I will be able to provide better and more serious RP with a group like Cypress & others, I will learn a lot more whilst hoping to provide the best quality rp that i can.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
threw my toys out the pram by saying stuff to Drex and Harry which I shouldn’t have and I sincerely regret.
What did you say?

Why did you say it?
Hello Phoenix,
Hope you're having a good day.

What did you say?
Some time has gone by the incident so i don't know word for word what I said because I said it out of frustration but I think i said something on the lines of I've never met such fucking idiot staff members but if I'm wrong please do correct me.

Why did you say it?
There is simply no excuse on why I done it and again i would like to apologize to Drex and Harry, but simply I said it out of frustration because i didn't get it my own way and at the time I thought I was in the right with the whole RDM situation so i was just annoyed because i felt like at the time i was wrongfully banned but with the time to reflect i agree with the staff team and it was the right decision.

Now I look back on the situation and its just childish from my behalf and it was totally inappropriate and should of treated staff with more respect and that I definitely could of handled the situation better and not let the frustration get the better of me.
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You've been around a long time Mr Mendes,

You should at this point know the rules and how we as staff react when you resort to childish tactics.

Now to the actual incident that got you banned,
What if the player had mic issues meaning their rp wasn't heard?
Why didn't you just put a message in ooc or a ticket? Or even a report

If that happened to you, same way;
Rammed their vehicle>Shot>Put in a locals boot

How would you have reacted?
Good morning, thank you for the reply.

At the time i never considered them options that the player could of been had issues and was quick to shoot because i thought at the time the player was trolling but it was very wrong to do so and was quick to judge the situation and definitely cut the rp short and could of handled things better.

The rp i provided that day was very minimal and not the best quality which is never really something i would resort to and everything just happened so quickly ,If that ever to happen to me i would definitely call them out in ooc and ask them to Liasson and be like "what was that?" and would definitely ask him about his thought process of that rp because getting shot and getting put in a local boot isn't fun at all and do apologize for that rp i provided.
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Alright then, but I don't want to see you here again.

Best behaviour and don't make me regret this!
