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Unban Appeal - MiloEvnss - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for MiloEvnss 

In-game Name: Milo Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198988237751

Ban ID: Discord

Reason given for your ban: I posted a link in the discord

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think I posted a link to a discord server and got banned for it.

Why should we unban you ?: Hello, Hope you are well.
Firstly, I would like to apologise for my last appeal and how I spoke to the person that dealt with it, I shouldn't speak to admins in that manner.
I understand that I shouldn't be posting links in the discord server and I understand why I got banned, I wont post any links in the future and will follow the rules in the discord. I believe I have been banned for a long enough time.
I played on this server for a very long time when I first found GTA RP but then I left RP for a bit and I would like the chance to be able to play a great server again.

Many Thanks

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Good afternoon @MiloEvnss, I hope all is well! 🙂

Please could you provide me with your Discord ID for this appeal? 
Should look something like this: 797271057386962945

Good afternoon @MiloEvnss, thanks for the response! 🙂

Please can you explain your outburst in the prior appeal? 
If I'm to decline this now, will you call me a "fucking idiot"? 

Good Evening Mate

I think I was just having a bad day and decided to get angry at the admins, I do apologise for that. 

No im not going to say it to you

Hello @MiloEvnss, thanks for the response! 

We are all volunteer members of staff, outbursts such of this will not be tolerated and you've suffered the consequences of a longer cooldown due to this.

I think I posted a link to a discord server and got banned for it.
You think? 
You either did or did not post a link.

Hope you're well mate

Yeah I understand that you are all volunteers and should all be respected. I completely understand why I got a longer cooldown.

I am unsure to weather it was a link I posted or if it was something I said in the discord but it was one of them. It was a long time ago so I cannot quite recall what exactly it was.

Hope you're well mate
I'm good, I hope you are too!

I am unsure to weather it was a link I posted or if it was something I said in the discord but it was one of them. It was a long time ago so I cannot quite recall what exactly it was.
You had posted a link to a Discord server for another roleplaying community, why? 

Glad you're okay.

I believe it was a link to my friends RP discord and I just posted it in every discord I was in to try and help him out without really thinking about the repercussions and how it would affect my chances at playing on the server again.

I believe I have been banned for a long enough time.
I'm curious as to the intention behind this sentence? 
Are you perhaps mentioning that we've left you banned for too long? That the ban should be reversed due to the time scale? 

No not at all, you are the admins you leave me banned for however long is necessary I just think I have learnt my lesson in the time frame that I have been banned. The decision isnt up to me at all

Good evening @MiloEvnss!

I just think I have learnt my lesson
I think I was just having a bad day and decided to get angry at the admins
There's a lot of "I think" during this appeal, you've not taken accountability for any of your actions at all.

I would like to apologise for my last appeal
Again, "I would like to apologise" however you've not actually taken accountability and apologised, you've only stated that you'd like to.

Me saying I would like to apologise is an apology in itself and as I have stated previously it was a long time ago mate, i forget what happened last week never mind several months ago.

Good evening @MiloEvnss, thanks for the response.

You've been banned now for 2 years and it's currently the only ban you hold on record. 
I'm willing to give you a second chance here although some may disagree with me, if you are to breach one of our rules again, especially abuse towards staff and/or advertise you'll find yourself swiftly removed from the server once more.

Please, do not waste your chance given here. As per the FBS any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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