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Unban Appeal for Mikebeann
In-game Name: Barney rubble
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199230932497
Ban ID: !!rpuk8064!!
Reason given for your ban: exploiting making new characters
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: making new character and sending money over
Why should we unban you ?: i didn't realise it was an exploit, genuinely been playing for past week legit, i asked a few people in the server whats an easy way of making money, and i either got shot or stabbed a lot, or some people said fishing is a good way, and someone i asked in the server said they do this and told me about it, didn't realise as i thought it makes sense with having 4 useable players so i started doing it not thinking to inform staff as im fairly new to pc, i do apologise for doing it and wouldn't of if i knew it was a bannable offense, if i was to get unbanned i would of course understand if everything was to be taken from my main account, and start fresh but i have done most of my stuff legitimate thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: Barney rubble
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199230932497
Ban ID: !!rpuk8064!!
Reason given for your ban: exploiting making new characters
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: making new character and sending money over
Why should we unban you ?: i didn't realise it was an exploit, genuinely been playing for past week legit, i asked a few people in the server whats an easy way of making money, and i either got shot or stabbed a lot, or some people said fishing is a good way, and someone i asked in the server said they do this and told me about it, didn't realise as i thought it makes sense with having 4 useable players so i started doing it not thinking to inform staff as im fairly new to pc, i do apologise for doing it and wouldn't of if i knew it was a bannable offense, if i was to get unbanned i would of course understand if everything was to be taken from my main account, and start fresh but i have done most of my stuff legitimate thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes