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Unban Appeal - Mikebeann - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Mikebeann 

In-game Name: Barney rubble

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199230932497

Ban ID: !!rpuk8064!!

Reason given for your ban: exploiting making new characters

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: making new character and sending money over

Why should we unban you ?: i didn't realise it was an exploit, genuinely been playing for past week legit, i asked a few people in the server whats an easy way of making money, and i either got shot or stabbed a lot, or some people said fishing is a good way, and someone i asked in the server said they do this and told me about it, didn't realise as i thought it makes sense with having 4 useable players so i started doing it not thinking to inform staff as im fairly new to pc, i do apologise for doing it and wouldn't of if i knew it was a bannable offense, if i was to get unbanned i would of course understand if everything was to be taken from my main account, and start fresh but i have done most of my stuff legitimate thank you

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@MikebeannI don't see how you could think this was a legitimate way of making money. Please explain.

@George HarrisHi George, tbh its my first server ive been on and when i mentioned to someone in game about making quick money jobs wise he said taxi's are only way to make money but you can use your other accounts to send money over and i didn't think to question it as im new to the roleplay but obviously now i understand its not to be done like that

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So, hear me out...

You're telling me that you thought that logging out of your main character, having to create a new character, go through the entire intro, then either drop the money on the floor or pass it onto a friend, log back out of that character, log back in on your main character and pick up/receive the money was a legitimate way to make money? 


@Fluqihonestly at the time I didn’t think I won’t lie, which yea may say are you stupid or thick but it’s one of them in the moment you think oh that’s an easier way of doing it, and now I’ve been off a week+ I’m thinking more what a tit not actually thinking straight away don’t be daft, all I can say is I’m sorry for being a muppet and listening to stupid advice, I understand it’s an idiotic thing to even mistake that for being right but yea all I can do is say sorry and obviously if the final decision is perm ban I’ll accept that and hopefully be able to play again in future 

I can see 12 character you created and done this cheat. one or two yeah I get it but 12 takes the piss, takes alot of time looking into you and fixing your lack of common sense. And on top of that your excuses in your appeal. Not happening.

Appeal in 6 months. 

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