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Unban Appeal - Mike smalling - GTA RP

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Mike smalling

New member
Unban Appeal for Mike smalling 

In-game Name: Mike Smalling

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198398255367

Ban ID: @@rpuk10991@@

Reason given for your ban: C2.2 & G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i know that i got banned for making new characters and transfering/dropping it to my "main" character and that this is against the rules of the server. I made a lot of new characters and deleted them over and over again to gain money faster than actually making money fairly on the server.

Why should we unban you ?: as I joined the server on June 16th, 2021 I have made a lot of good RP and funny scenarios. I know what I did was against the rules and after being away from the server for a little bit over 1 month I realized that I missed the server and the quality RP that's on this server. I can't find any other servers that offer this good RP and I missed it. I really enjoy the server and trying to get some transfering money between my characters was a stupid action of mine. which I'm sorry for. I knew what I did was not fair and I hope that I will be allowed back on the server.
This action of mine is the first ban I got, after being on the server since June 2021. This action does not represent the person I wanna be on the server and I promise that this will never happen again, you can trust me. The RP journey I had on this server has been so good and I really want to continue. I feel that I bring good and valuable rp to the community of the server. what i did was stupid and i totally take responsibility of my actions.

i want to thank you for looking at my appeal. i really regret my actions and the trouble. i totally understand if the ban continues, but i really learned my lesson.
- Mike Smalling

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello Mike, can you tell me why you decided to transfer money between your characters?

Do you know how this behaviour could impact the server?

hey lunar, thank for a quick response. 

the reason that i decided to transfer money between my characters was because that i really wanted a new car. I fully knew that it was against the rules, but at that time i really wanted it. i made someting like 300k on the casino on the other character and saw a way to make some quick money. realizing now 1 month later how stupid this action was of mine.

yes, i know that this behaviour can impact the server. if everyone was transfering money between character, people would have millions without having to actually put in the work or actually grinded for it. and the RP situation on the server would be bad if everybody did this. 

this rule is also important to the server, something that didnt thought of at the time. It keeps order on the server. I learned my lesson and hopefully u will get allowed back to the server.

again, thank you for reading my response:)

-Mike Smalling

Hello there @Mike smalling

So you knew you were breaking server rules, yet you still decided to do it. As much as I appreciate the honesty, we do not like people trying to min-max and cheat the system... 

Now, if you were to be unbanned, that would come with the deletion of 3 of your characters and a full wipe of the 4th one. That character would have nothing left but the clothes on their skin, the numbers in their phone and their roleplay story. That´s the price you decided to pay for a new car. Considering this would leave you completely broke, how will you go about earning money this time around? 

hey sammy, thanks for the quick response.

i totally agree that min-max and cheating the system should not be tolerateted and all that. this time i will hustle, work, make deals. basiclly i will make my money on a fair way and not doing something idiotic like transfering money or exploiting. a full wipe of my character is also totally fair. i made money on the server fairly on many other ways. at the start i will try to be a mechanic and build up my economy again. further i will do taxi, make armour and ect.. 

a new start is what i need.

-Mike Smalling

Very well. 

Which character would you like to keep? I will request a wipe for that character and the deletion of the other ones and issue an unban as soon as that is done. 

Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and much harder to come back from.

thank you again for a quick response sammy:)

i would like to keep mr. Mike smalling and wipe him, all the others are just to delete right away. please send me a message or write it here to me when it is done. thank you for letting me back in the city:)

Wipe completed

does this mean that i can come back, or should keep waiting til my appeal says unbanned?

thank you stuart for a quick response.

-Mike Smalling

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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