Server: GTA RP
Character Name: JOEL DEEZ
Steam ID: 76561198302391866
Ban ID (just the numbers): 9076
Ban Reason: RVDM, OOC Information
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for failing to RP on the server and for making the experience unfun for everyone else.
Why should we unban you: I have learned from my lesson now after being banned and want to get start over again and I remember how good this server was. On my last appeal I got told to put more effort and explain why I was banned but this was around 2 years ago and I can't remember exactly what happened sorry. I am older now which I know doesn't change much but I just want to have another go on this server and enjoy what it provides. I won't do any mistakes again like I did last time and I will make sure to RP properly. One of the rules I broke was RVDM which was stupid to even do and I understand why it resulted in a ban. I won't repeat anything like that again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes