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Unban Appeal - Max_Askren - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Max_Askren 

In-game Name: Max Askren

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199123604510

Ban ID: !!rpuk12594!!

Reason given for your ban: c2.2 and c2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: in my own words i received a ban for 'combat logging' and also for taking advantage of the server. what happened was i got into an altercation with a group for selling on their land, i then got captured by them and they took my belongings and threw me off a car park. I was not completely dead so they 'finished me off'. I was then left and dead. so i recently came off a 6 month ban and then you were able to press 'E' i think it was to call emergency services which is not the case anymore as i have been told by a mod. So I was pressing 'R' to call for help which i thought was the same thing, so i was pressing the button to find that it may be a bug or my keyboard is not sending a signal to my computer so I alt f4'd with no intention of combat logging and logged back into the server thinking that the button would then work. Then once i had logged back into the server i was found to be completely alive and well which i was confused by(During this time of conversation and confusion i had not moved from the area or contacted anyone within the city). So i then contacted Liam via ticket to see if this is a bug or if something went wrong. I did tell him that my game had crashed which was not the case i thought it was a quicker way of saying i exited the game which is on me which i did apologise for. and i asked him what to do from here in which he told me that i had combat logged and lied to him and then from there i had been removed from the server.

Why should we unban you ?: I feel like this was a complete mistake on my behalf i had no intention of further getting away with anything. I feel like if i did try and purposely combat log i would not have contacted your mods via a ticket. Furthermore i have apologised to the mod for lying to him that was just a mix up of words for my behalf. I have just been getting used to the city again from such a long time out and that had never happened to me since i had been on so this was just a mistake from me and i previously said i have apologise for the mix up of words or lying and hopefully we can resolve this. Thanks for reading. Max :)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I did tell him that my game had crashed which was not the case i thought it was a quicker way of saying i exited the game
See, I don't believe this.

Surely, its quicker to type out 'Alt F4' than it is 'Game crashed'.

How can we possibly trust you, if you'll lie to Staff directly in a ticket?

See, I don't believe this.

Surely, its quicker to type out 'Alt F4' than it is 'Game crashed'.

How can we possibly trust you, if you'll lie to Staff directly in a ticket?
I can understand why it would be hard to believe this, i went into team speak and had a chat about what had happened and i believe the person i was talking (cannot remember the name off of the top of my head) to was contacted by yourself to get a second opinion which is fair enough. And he explained to me about on this server the trust and the truth must be 100% which i completely agree to and he had further explained to me in how there is such a big difference between crashing and alt f4'ing. I furthermore see the difference between the two and would like apologise for that. and in the case of if it is longer to say that my game have crashed i can see why you cant believe this as there a a few less characters. so finally i would like to once again apologise to yourself for lying and i can promise you that this will not happen again. Thank you for reading

Whats the number on the end of the ticket transcript please? Dont send the actual ticket just the name like this "FiveM-19293"

We're going to remove the cooldown on your behalf due to the fact that you might've not known that if you were cuffed/ziptied, that you are unable to press 'R' to call medics when downed due to how long you had been banned prior.

However, If you are to successfully be unbanned in the future. There will be some conditions with this.

These are;

  • Any rule break within a 6 month period were you are banned, you'll be right back here pleading to be unbanned
  • Any rule break within a 9 month period were you are banned, you'll be placed on a one month cooldown before you may appeal

Do you agree?

yes i do agree

We're going to remove the cooldown on your behalf due to the fact that you might've not known that if you were cuffed/ziptied, that you are unable to press 'R' to call medics when downed due to how long you had been banned prior.

However, If you are to successfully be unbanned in the future. There will be some conditions with this.

These are;

  • Any rule break within a 6 month period were you are banned, you'll be right back here pleading to be unbanned
  • Any rule break within a 9 month period were you are banned, you'll be placed on a one month cooldown before you may appeal

Do you agree?
to these rules/ consequences if i break these rules, i once again do apologise and will be more thorough in my description for things that have happened. Many thanks Max

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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