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Unban Appeal - Matthew Labile - GTA RP

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Matthew Labile

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
The Block
Unban Appeal for Matthew Labile 

In-game Name: Matthew Labile

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199154044237

Ban ID: !!rpuk7943!!

Reason given for your ban: Forum report for g3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned back in February for meta-gaming while in a discord call at the time I wasn't really thinking thoughtfully about my actions however I understand why this is totally unacceptable as it can essentially put the other party at an unfair disadvantage and ruin the role-play for the other party, thankfully in my situation the outcome didn't change but that doesn't excuse what I did at all.

I did appeal two weeks after I received my permanent ban to which I was denied and told to re-appeal 6 months after my ban date, in my unsuccessful appeal my rather lengthy ban/ warnings was pointed out to me, I do not want to argue or debate any of my warnings/ bans I respect staff decisions with all actions taken towards myself however if staff are wanting my side of these warnings/ bans I'm more than happy to try an give an explanation not that there is a reason for me breaking these rules, I would also like to point out I take full accountability for my actions and apologise if I've ruined anybody else's role-play.

Why should we unban you ?: I’d like to start off by saying that my behaviour displayed during this particular situation is not how I would usually act I feel my emotions got the best of me and clouded my judgement but since having my previous appeal denied and spending so much time away I have realised the severity of my actions and how to try and not let myself repeat this action or any rule breaks for the matter in the future if granted a opportunity to return that is.

I would also like to say for the past 6 months while banned I have tried to stay active within the community via the forums, discord and teamspeak showing that I do value my place within the community and would really appreciate a chance to return to the game to stay even more active within the community as I have made a lot of friends within the community some of whom I speak to daily.

I also feel that the state of my role-play up until my ban was continuously getting better as throughout me interacting with other members of this community people would say how they enjoyed my role-play and said it is always a good laugh when I'm around which was really nice to receive.

I want to finish this by stating that again I am sorry to anyone who's role-play scenarios I have ruined, I would really appreciate the opportunity to return and thank you for taking time out of your day to consider this appeal, any questions I am more than happy to answer thank you.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Well Matthew, The day that you have been waiting for has finally happened, you can appeal your ban again. However I am probably not the staff member you would have picked if given the chance since you run every time you see my name... 

I do not want to argue or debate any of my warnings/ bans I respect staff decisions with all actions taken towards myself however if staff are wanting my side of these warnings/ bans I'm more than happy to try an give an explanation not that there is a reason for me breaking these rules, I would also like to point out I take full accountability for my actions and apologise if I've ruined anybody else's role-play.
Well I am glad with how you have handled this appeal to be honest with you. Which is why I ain't going to drag this out. I am aware that you know yourself that you can be doing much better on the server then what you did and if given the chance, that is what I expect to see from you.

I would also like to say for the past 6 months while banned I have tried to stay active within the community via the forums, discord and teamspeak showing that I do value my place within the community and would really appreciate a chance to return to the game to stay even more active within the community as I have made a lot of friends within the community some of whom I speak to daily.
Now this is something that honestly caught my eye, I have been around for a long time in this community. I have seen many people get denied and either just leave or go off the rails and get themselves community banned. You on the other hand stuck around and shown how much this community actually means to you and that was something that went massively in your favour for this appeal.  

Therefore Matthew I am going to deny (sorry couldn't help myself)

I am going to give you that chance! Now don't make me regret giving you this chance because you will be unbanned on a tight rope. Any slip up from you and you are straight back perm banned as you probably already know, and with your record as it is, it will be even harder to get another chance.

Unbanned! Do not ruin it. 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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