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Unban Appeal - Matias Cano - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Matias Cano 

In-game Name: Matias Cano

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 765761199422007649

Ban ID: !!rpuk12758!!

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for combat logging. Closing off ongoing RP.
(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

Why should we unban you ?: Combat logging led to my ban. All of this began when I scammed a person of a total of 1.2 million. When I finally got away from the person, I figured it would be okay for me to log out so I could fulfil an IRL commitment. Even in the player report, I made that claim. I couldn't just log out on the land so I made sure it was safe and nobody was there. I had the option to get in my car and leave. But I made the decision to log out there. To ensure that it is safe for me to log off, I double-check to see whether there are any other players on the land. In relation to this case, I also created a ticket. Even though I created a ticket, I can now see where I was wrong. If I were in the other person's shoes, I would be rather irritated that someone had done me for 1.2 million and then logged off without telling us. I can see why the other person was so irritated. What I did wasn't fair. I should have waited longer before logging off. Me logging of closed the rp. For the benefit of the future, if something similar happens again, I would let both sides know via OOC. There is no justification for me to tell a lie about what I did or why I did it this is the complete truth. I contacted staurt via TS after being banned, and he informed me that my bank and any items I had in my inventory when I logged off would be deleted. I'm happy for that to happen due to consequences of me logging off at the wrong time with ongoing rp.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


To get this part over and done with before the initial processing of the appeal.

If you are successful in this appeal, your inventory and your bank account will be wiped.

Do you agree to these terms?

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Hi Liam, hope your well.

With regards with what you said I do agree with the terms. Actions have consequences. I may have thought at the time what I did was okay even though I mad e a ticket but it clearly wasn’t. I shut of further role play. Now I’m facing the consequences of what I have done. So I do agree with the terms in all due circumstances.

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The situation surrounding the scam, was not spontaneous. It was planned, that is clear to see in our eyes. I don't believe for a second, that you logged off *once you were "safe"* to attend to Personal Things.

Why would you get involved in Roleplay, when you had to disconnect very briefly? How is that any fun for the others? Do you like to play High Reward, No Risk?

Hey Liam thanks for the reply. 

With regarding what you said it was kind of pre planned in a sense because I saw the post for someone looking for a container. I will admit I was very money hungry. I took the chance and did the scam. I know what I did wrong and cut off further roleplay. I logged of yes and at the time I did think it was safe. However it wasn't and now I'm being punished for my poor actions.

You can see this on the log. 

  • "Stood at the Disconnect location for 5 minutes, then disconnected."  

    It would make no sense just for me to log off. I had clear advantages of not getting caught for example staying in the water or staying on the island where I logged off. I could of easily got into a car and drove off and they would never find me. I'm not trying to make excuses with what I did. I know where I went wrong and if I was in the other players shoes I would quite frankly be annoyed. I was very money hungry and I let my greed get to the best of me by doing a scam and then going for a IRL commitment just for some quick money. there was no fun in what I did and it makes it worse because I cut of further roleplay. My apologies go to the other party I scammed and to the staff team for having to deal with this. Within this 1 month cool down I have come back with a changed attitude and wish to do different things on the server for example making a police character and enhancing my roleplay among other players.  
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You should not have got involved in a Roleplay scenario with you knowing that you had to disconnect for your personal reasons.

Quote the rule you broke

Explain it in your own words

Explain how you’ve given yourself an unfair advantage over others

The rule I broke was C2.2 (combat logging). 
(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

The reason this rule is set out is so that players don’t take advantage of certain scenarios by leaving the game because they were being chased by for example. It ruins a lot of rp and when someone combat logs during active rp it’s just not fair therefore this rule is implemented. 

I totally know where I went wrong and I have admitted it. I gave my self a unfair advantage by leaving the game to attend personal stuff. It was really unfair what I did. I take full responsibility.

Tell me a roleplay experience that was of high quality that you participated in and or took charge of

I used to work at the taxi rank. Renting out taxis and fixing them. I would always provide great quality role-play when customers come in for a taxi repair. I would also discount them on the price out of kindness. 

I meant something a bit more detailed, and of more High Quality Roleplay rather than four sentences.

Hey Liam.

Apart from that, there isn't really much to say. I'm constantly working and doing taxing when I'm in the city. Also, I hire out taxis to other players whenever you're at the taxi rank and In need of one. Organising important events like boxing contests is something I wish to be responsible for in the future. As an additional improvement, I would always use my /me's for the benefit of the roleplay. 

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So, going off your own statement. That it would be fair to say that you're only here to make money, as it doesn't seem like you're here for Roleplay...

At the time yes I will admit I was money hungry. I wanted quick cash. Now after this one month cool down I have come back with a fresh mindset and want to change my ways in rp uk by providing good rp or if not the best rp possible. I will stop scamming people and earn the legit way by taxing, selling cars etc. I will also enhance my roleplay among others for the best of it. My attitude has changed completely and I'm here to give great rp. I also do understand this is my final warning so I wont mess up again. 

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What plans do you have for Roleplay going forward, excluding repairing cars at the taxi rank?

My plans are to go back to the taxi rank and carry on doing what I was doing. Hopefully when I come back in the city me and my friend Chris will implement new things for the business and it will make a lot of profit. With the profitable money I wish to open up a business of my own desire and endeavours.

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I'm going to take a chance, despite this being your second ban for C2.3.

If you are banned for C2.3 again within a 6 month period, you'll be given 6 month cooldown.

This is non-negotiable.

Any ban within a 6 month period, will be a permanent ban following FBS. Do not let both yourself down and the Staff Team for taking this chance with you.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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