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Unban Appeal - Matias Cano - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Matias Cano 

In-game Name: Matias Cano

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199422007646

Ban ID: !!rpuk11674!!

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I received a ban for logging out. My parents yelled and pushed me to turn it off because it was becoming late. I was forced to do it. I'm so sorry I couldn't finish the role-play, I do apologise, and I promise not to do this again

Why should we unban you ?:  I know what I did wrong, and I won't make the same mistake again. I adore playing on this server, and I'm very grateful that it exists and allows me to have fun. I just joined the server, and on my first day there, I was banned. I am aware of all the regulations, therefore this will never occur again. I truly apologise.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @Matias Cano
I hope we're doing well tonight. 

So you've been killed and then decide to log off minute after, if you were being yelled at, why not mention in /OOC that you've to leave? 
Or make a staff ticket to make the staff-team aware, but you did neither. 

Now in your next reply, please quote the rule you broke, explain it to us in depth, and what to do in the future. 

Hi, Hope you doing well.

I'm very sorry for this, I'm sorry that I didn't know what to do or submit a staff complaint on my first day on the server.

Combat logging is not permitted because it undermines the realism and fun of the game, which is the regulation I broke. If this happens again in the future, I will create a receipt, inform the staff, and provide a reason for my departure; however, there won't be a reason because it won't happen again. I've accepted responsibility for my actions, served a one-month suspension, and I promise that this will never happen again.

Hello there @Matias Cano
I'm doing well, thank you. 

What do you mean by staff complaint? 
Lil confused on that one. - Do you per chance mean a staff ticket? 

In the next future IF you've to log off due to IRL commitments, be it work/school/emergency, please, put a message in /OOC or create a ticket with us. 

  • /ooc staff, I've to log off due to an emergency, once I return I promise to bleed out
  • /ooc @TheirID, I've to log off due to an emergency, I promise to bleed out once I return

In your previous reply you didn't quote the rule fully, please. 
Now, I also want to give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you this, is what you're telling us about your parents true?  - Honesty is key. 
Keep in mind if you lie to us, your appeal will be denied and a further cooldown will be put on you. - Tell the truth. 


I have no cause to exaggerate my parents request that I turn the device off. Lateness set in. I had no choice but to. But going forward, I'll put it in OCC chat and let them know right immediately if it happens again but I promise this will never happen again.

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Hello there @Matias Cano
Sorry for the late reply work got me busy! 

Would you be able to come to TS for us so we can have a conversation in regards to your unban? 
IP: ts.roleplay.co.uk
Join the channel called "join for support" 
And feel free to put in your name "Your Name - Mike W" or anything to indicate it's in regards to this appeal.  

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Hi there, 

For some reason it doesn't let me get to the server. Not sure the reason why. It says 

"This error can be identified by *********. You might want to take a note of this code."

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Hello there @Matias Cano
I hope we're doing well. 

Like I stated yesterday on Team-Speak, we will move this back to the forums there was just a few things I wanted to hear from you, which I am more than satisfied with now. 

In the next future IF you've to log off due to IRL commitments, be it work/school/emergency, please, put a message in /OOC or create a ticket with us. 

  • /ooc staff, I've to log off due to an emergency, once I return I promise to bleed out
  • /ooc @TheirID, I've to log off due to an emergency, I promise to bleed out once I return
I am more than happy with what we talked about on teamspeak, I will be unbanning you. 
However any rule break in the upcoming 6 months of the original ban will end up being permanent. 

Have a re-read before you join the server. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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