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Unban Appeal - Makk4veli - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jon Makkaveli
Steam ID: 76561199414444822
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12602
Ban Reason: C3.0
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for being a stupid idiot who decided to try bring some friends from rpuk with him elsewhere, and sure enough every city ive been in has either flopped or ive keft bcos of vdm rdm meta gaming etc from others, all the while sitting at home kicking myself for not valuing rpuk like i should have, and not being clued up on rules just boshed away in server clueless.
Why should we unban you: if i ever had a second chance it would be 10000% different, i have grown now into a better roleplayer and also have to act in a correct manner now too as i stream also. i really would like the opportunity to come back and it really interests me as to how much things might have changed, rpuk was my first ever city and i cant find anything else like it. so i apologise for my wrongs and i hope u see that i genuinelly want to be part of this community again as this is my second unban appeal , to prove i mean what i say. i was told to try again and try harder and i am . i also suffer from adhd and this gives me the chance to channel that creativity into content creating on roleplay
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @Makk4veli
I hope we are well today?

Your ban was C3.0 - Can you tell me in your own words, what this ban is, and why you think we have this?

You claim to have left other servers due to rule breaks, yet broke one yourself on our server - this doesn't exactly paint a great picture for yourself here.
How can we be so sure, you'll stick to our rules should you be unbanned?
I have grown as an rp player ; i stream on twitch and do my best to give as best a performance as i can channeling my adhd creative side in the best way i know how. When i was in rpuk i was a noob starting off and jumped in at the deep end and at the time messed up bad but at the time didnt see how bad. Like i said trying to find decent roleplay or even cities with decent population or without queues or people who vdm u or 100k or die etc is hard to come by. Ive tried out a few different cities in my time and irrespective of the reason I've left , the main thing is that when i was in rpuk i got that good rp everywhere i went . I was stupid and didnt know the value of rpuk bcos like i said had i known what ive learned now id never have even looked any further than rpuk. Also whilst journeying through cities with my twitch followers watching my character Jon Makkaveli make memories learn knew things and make new friends along the way some or which became life long friends out of city , I learned how to be a better roleplayer . And even if u wish to look me up and look at the effort I put in to try and be unique in my own way to help make ur decision thats perfectly fine. I totally understand that i f*%ked up and i get why i got banned . I just wanna be able to be part of a server / city where i can enjoy my life there everyday for long periods of time and stream it and just enjoy the journey and the fact that i finally grew enough to deserve a place back home where it all started for me . Id even be willing to take a penalty from day 1 and be minus bank balance and have to really try to get out of debt and on my feet . I could even roleplay that jon Makkaveli has finally returned home and returned to his debt he ran from now its time ti settle the debts with the banks and settle down
You haven't answered all of Violet's questions.

Your ban was C3.0 - Can you tell me in your own words, what this ban is, and why you think we have this?
Sorry my bad c3.0 is advertising . Basically i guess its there to keep us safe and keep all issues in city and to prevent others from finding out identities of other . I was very dumb to have did this . I would say my disability impacted alot on me at the time with being impulsive and thinking this is amazing im streaming and on fivem and wanted people to see . Would definitely not go on that way now
Good evening @Makk4veli
Thank you for the effort you've put into your response!

If you were to be unbanned, our server is no stranger to rule breaks - however, what if someone was to break a rule against you? What do you think the correct action to take would be?

c3.0 is advertising . Basically i guess its there to keep us safe and keep all issues in city and to prevent others from finding out identities of other
Not exactly - care to try again?
The correct action to take if i was to be unbanned and someone else rule broke would be , to continue rp'ing it out and afterwards open a ticket and send them a clip . All i can say is that C3.0 is advertising and the reason for it being in place is obviously something i haven't understood its full purpose of but im sure after being enlightened id not forget. If u would like me to be part of the rpuk community again I'd love that but if not then i understand too .
Alright, let me ask you simply.

What do you think 'Advertising' means?
What do you think you've done to 'advertise' something?
i asked a bunch of people to come on holiday with me to another city and or my twitch channel via txt messages in city

if im not to be allowed back then thats fair enough
Okay, and do you understand now how this can be seen as Advertising?

If you were to be un-banned, what can we expect from you in RP? What's your plans for your character?
I am not sure yet i didn't want to think too far ahead of the appeal process. I do understand how what i was banned for can be seen as advertising . I perhaps would start over with my character jon Makkaveli and let the city see where it took him
My final question for you would be this,
How would you avoid making the same mistake, to which lead you here?
Again, respond soon - I won't keep tagging you here until you respond. Or this appeal will be timed out.
Sorry i had a family matter. The answer to ur question would be that I would just roleplay and not mention my twitch or other citys . Would i be allowed to still stream it to twitch though but just not advertise it in any way via the server or the discord . Sorry again for the late response
Good evening @Makk4veli

I hope we are well?
I've taken into consideration your appeal, and have decided to offer the olive branch and unban you today.

Please take some time to read over our rules, both GTA RP Rules, and Community Rules, to familiarize yourself with them before jumping onto the server.
However, should you find yourself banned for Advertising again, it will be much harder to come back from.
