Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Glenn Blackside
Steam ID: 76561199241851094
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19540
Ban Reason: Combat log
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I left the server when I died from crashing my motorcycle because the server was going to restart really soon and I thought it would be fine if I started roleplaying it out after the server restarted. I should have read the rules properly though because I have been banned for 1 month now and I have thought about it and I regret it and I will not do it again.
Why should we unban you: I think that I should be unbanned because I really enjoy this server as its the only Five M server me and my friends play. Also, its been 1 month since I was banned and I have had time to think about and read the rules a lot more in-detail and I realise now that it was my fault for leaving but I just wanted to let you know my side on why I was annoyed before and disrespectful in the Discord chat and everything and for that I am also incredibly sorry. I really have taken advantage of the situation here and turned it for the better by improving myself so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. I really hope you can give me one more chance in the server and I swear to you I will roleplay properly and respectfully. If you find it that I am still undeserving of re-joining your server I understand and will try again next month. Goodbye and thank you.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes