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Unban Appeal - lkjones5555 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for lkjones5555 

In-game Name: callum jones

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199331210333

Ban ID: !!rpuk9526!!

Reason given for your ban: g2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: it was a very long time ago but what i remeber it was transferrin money of new character to my main

Why should we unban you ?: so i understand this is classed as power gaming now back then i was fresh to fivem and wasn't fully understanding of the rules i was treating it more like gta online and not rp since my ban I have been in a whitelisted server and strp eu have received no bans and ive learned all aspects of the rp in fivem i understand what i did was idiotic honestly i would love to come back and enjoy the rp in your city hopefully you could give me another try and take into consideration it was my first city and i didnt know what i was dong and the hype of getting a pc and fivem got to me i apologies and hopefully i can be forgiven thankyou for taking time to read this

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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hi all is well thankyou hope the same goes for you 

yes that is correct ban id thankyou for taking the time to look  at my appeal

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Take a screenshot of the ban message, please.

i would say so cause its boosting money isnt it so thats what i feel it would fall under that category using another character to progress money nut either way your rule g2.9 states either way transferring through characters is no way acceptable so power gamging or not or no matter how i view it its still a rules break so yeah i understand its wrong an i broke a rule so thats on me and my mistake thankyou for the reply hope all is well  

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Good morning @lkjones5555, thanks for the response! 🙂

What was your thought process behind transferring this money between characters?
Was it to gain an advantage perhaps? 

too be honest .... I noticed when you spawned you could get cash and I was new to five m it was my first server i was struggling on making money i didnt know what i was doing  and i really wanted a house so i thought getting the money of a new character could help me out i didn't actually know the rules back then or i didn't look at them i was just hyped to be on fivem so i made a silly decision now ive been playin this for year and half nearly 2 years now i now know that was a serious ban offence obviously I'm not gonna make excuses or sugar coat it was just a idiotic move with lack of knowledge and experience and  how do i say spur of moment decision behind the action i understand this no ones fault but my own it was spur of moment thing that ended up badly as i said i am sorry for being such a fool and would love a second try to really enjoy the rp in this server thats why ive taken time away to learn and get experience to hopefully get let back into your city

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I suggest you go back through the rules. Read them before you log back in. I am going to be unbanning you as of now however as you say this is not GTA Online. This is your first ban so please go through the rules again before logging back in. 


Welcome Back!

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