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Unban Appeal - Libertarian - GTA RP

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Orchardville Avenue
Unban Appeal for Libertarian 

In-game Name: Jonathan Oakmoor

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198151378753

Ban ID: rpuk8320

Reason given for your ban: C1.2 - C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I spoke in a way of which was deeply offensive to an individual regarding something important in their life and I sincerely apologise.
In terms of C2.3 I disconnected after I was dumped to reconnect as my mic was not working which is why I was using /me.
I waited until I had been dumped in order to reconnect and if you check the server logs I did indeed reconnect.

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly before I explain reasons I believe I should be unbanned I would like to apologise to the individual affected by my comments. They were cruel - unfactual and based on emotion at the time not of a hatred toward yourself nor your beliefs. I would like you to know that I personally have nothing against the catholic faith I am a Christian myself and the words of which I used were not my personal opinions toward your closely held institutions but instead a childish way to try and get back at you for what happened to me in game. It is foolish - wrong and they are not actions befitting an adult. Religion is the core of a man - and the blueprint of his very livelihood. It is what we follow in order to make us better people and for me to attack your belief or members of it is truly vile. In the moment I ignored all principles and morals and what became of it was a punishment of which I deserved. Hopefully my harm was only felt in the server and did not manifest outside of it as if it did it would be hard for one to forgive themselves. I am sorry.

A Reason I believe I should be unbanned is firstly to make an OOC apology to the individual in question. Secondly my activity in the community and willingness to usually commit to the serious RP environment of the server prove that this was a one - off event ( not to dampen its impact at all but to note it ). I have enamoured myself within the city - made acquaintances and experiences not to be forgotten lightly and I wish to be given the mercy of being allowed to be let back into that atmosphere of good people and times alike - with time I also hope to contribute to said environment in a productive and stoic way.

Before I was banned I was making plans in the family of which I am apart to enamour ourselves even more by breaching the outside of RP such as drugs etc into the interior ( inter gang relations - wars - good meaningful RP just to name a few).

I respect the Staff teams decision in this matter entirely and I have come to recognise this as nothing but my fault and I can do nothing but hope they did not affect the individual too much.

In terms of C2.3 I Would like to say it was a misunderstanding and if anything I'm glad to have had the opportunity to learn first hand the extent of the rule itself. I would like to stress however in terms of this rule I was entirely unware of the fact you could be banned for reconnecting after the roleplay was over and I had been dumped.

To summarise I accept full responsibility for my actions and would like one opportunity.
The opportunity to show you that actions speak louder that words and If given the opportunity I can get back to the server and attempt to make recompense for actions previously committed.

I am sorry for any and all trouble this has caused you - thank you for your time.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Libertarian

So, your microphone wasn't working. By looking at your chat history on the server, you do not seem unaware of the '/OOC chat' at all, yet you made no comments regarding your technical issues, but rather chose to misuse the '/me' function to instead make rude and childish comments to the other players. 

I struggle to understand your way of thinking here. Surely, the better way would've been a simple "/ooc My microphone isn't working, I must quickly relog to fix this", and then reconnect to the server. Saving yourself the troubles of a ban for combat logging.
You've stated these comments were done in a moment of frustration, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was a 'one time' momentary lapse of judgement.

Now; what is even more confusing, is an appeal seemingly written by a mature author, for comments which displays the utmost immaturity. If you chose to act in a similar way to how you present yourself and act here, I see no reasons as to why you should find yourself on this section of the forums again.

I'm going to give you one opportunity to prove, that the author behind your appeal is the same person presenting themselves on our server - if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain and find yourself permanently banned again, it will automatically come with a three month cooldown before it will be possible for you to appeal that ban. 
Note that, in line with our Fair Bans System, any ban within 6 months will be permanent.
[FBS Period: 2022.05.12 - 2022.11.12]

Use this opportunity well, present yourself in a better light. 
You have now been unbanned

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Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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