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Unban Appeal - Liamm - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Liam Michael
Steam ID: 76561198835424790
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19942
Ban Reason: G3.1/G3.5
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for OOC information and character separation from what happened on the 24/02/2025.
Why should we unban you: Hello I have never wanted to see myself on the forums or doing this unban appeal but sadly here I am today doing what I didn't ever want to do from my mistakes I have made to make me be here. I have been apart of the community for sometime now and I never thought I would ever have to be doing this at all.

I have had time to reflect on the situation on what I have done wrong to put me here, Firstly I would like to apologize for my wrong doings when I should have known best, I am disappointed in myself for what I have done and everything, I had a ticket opened up about the situation and asking for me to join QE with Mark and C.Date to explain why I have had this ticket opened up about me. Mark was asking me what I have done on the 24th of Feb in QE, so I explained vaguely by leaving out OOC key information to what led up to the ban.

I would like to explain what has happened.

G3.1:: Metagaming. I used OOC information to know that the pink motel was up for sale and no longer had an owner as I heard in discord about it, it was a silly mistake from my behalf and it has given me time to reflect on it and realised that I shouldn't have used OOC information in city to try gain an advantage to buy the motel when brett came down to triads turf, at the time in the ticket/QE I wasn't straight up forward about the OOC information part on what was said in discord between me and brett. Things were mentioned in the discord at the time about how the motel will be up for sale soon and not have a owner, so I came up with the idea on 'Let me buy it' when I shouldn't have done that to begin with. I know that metagaming isn't acceptable and I shouldn't have done it in the first place.

G3.5: Character separation. The reason why I got banned for character separation was because when brett came down to triads, he let me borrow his cars knowing well he is in triads on a second character. I know that it was wrong for me to accept his offer to get the keys to his cars as I've been around for a some time and I should have known better to not accept his offer. also due to the character separation part, the pink motel was mentioned aswell when he came down to triads turf and I instantly agreed to wanting to buy it for triads even though it wasn't my intentions to take an advantage of the situation to make triads gain from it in the moment it seemed like a good idea but after looking back and taking time to reflect back on the situation it was a silly mistake from me.

Having a months break has made me look at what I can do better and improve for the future so I don't end up back here on the forums over something silly I shouldn't have done and now that it has been done all I know now is to think hard about a decision before making it. I enjoy being apart of the RPUK community and would love to be able to be able to play on the server again.

Thank you to the staff that takes their time to look into this appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Liamm

I hope all has been well?

In this chat with the two staff members you were asked to tell the truth, why didn't you? You must understand that with you lying it will make anything you say here very hard to believe
Good morning @Liamm

I hope all has been well?

In this chat with the two staff members you were asked to tell the truth, why didn't you? You must understand that with you lying it will make anything you say here very hard to believe
Good afternoon @Jessie Bennett

Everything been well.

From my prospective i thought i was as honest as i can be, if there is anything you guys might have thought i lied about it was probably a miss understanding at the time, maybe i didnt explain it as good as i could've. If need be i am more than happy to answer their questions again in a ticket.
Why did it seem like you were holding back information?
So I explained vaguely on what has happened in the call between me and the other two staff members, but at the time i thought i was being as honest as i could be about the whole situation and i think maybe the way i was coming across with my words to them both, it might have seemed that i was holding back information from them both but i was being as honest as i can be and i didnt mean for it to come across as it all did, I am not the best at explaining things so thats my bad.
Please can you walk me through the rp that was happening leading up to this ban
So i have mentioned like before around city and all that i am intrested in buying a owned business and like a few months before hand i met brett during an event at the pink motel and he was showing me his cars at the time, i asked him one time if i could test drive his cars but at the time he said no but then came down to triads turf like a month or so later saying that if i wanted to test drive the cars so i agree to it, a few days later after that he came to triads we talked for a little bit then i ended up going up to sandy trucking and buying a pounder as i wanted one, then after that he offered me the perm keys to the cars as he barely drives them, so i accepted the offer for the keys to the cars.

Then he mentioned in city about the pink cage motel is up forsale and i knew about that OOC from discord when we spoke about it but he bought it up to triads in city and i was like yes lets buy us the pinkcage motel.

Inbetween both of this happening me and brett have had brief interactions with eachother.
Hello @Jessie Bennett
If you could go back in time and change things, how would you have dealt this situation differently?
If i could go back in time i wouldn't have done it unless it came naturally to me as a character.

Looking back on how the outcome has came, there will be more natural interactions instead of forced ones to benefit me, in my one month break it has made me realise that i shouldn't have done what i have done and that i will learn from this silly mistake of mine for the future.
Good afternoon @Liamm

It seems like you have learnt from this so I will unban you today, do not waste this second chance. Read the rules again before joining back.

Any bans within the next 6 months will bring you back here

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