Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Rocky Johnson
Steam ID: 76561199804727298
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19879
Ban Reason: Lagging out after being killed
Why do you think you were banned: I had been stabbed after a robbery went wrong and was banned a few days later, I know this is the reason as I ready the player report
Why should we unban you: I had multiple issues throughout the day with being lagged out of the server not being able to see the floor buildings etc, After this event happened I logged back into the server and still couldn't see anything, I am more than aware that purposely logging out would get me banned and I was already dead so there would have been no benefit to logging out I had nothing to lose. I also didn't have time to mess around all night trying to get back on as I had to get ready for work IRL I had around 1.5 hours after this scene and am happy to send proof of this if required. I have beem playing / grinding in this server since November and have gotten a house and cars and have put a lot of time into this server and have never made any mistakes and take my RP seriously, it would be a shame for it all to have been a waste of time due to what would've been 1 mistake had I have purposely done it. .uk is an amazing community I have loved being a part of and hope to continue to be a part of in future. Thank you.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes