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Unban Appeal - Lennon0001 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Lennon0001 

In-game Name: Lennon Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199083182848

The date you got banned: 03/16/21

Member of the team that banned you: fluqi

Reason given for your ban: C 2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: So I was stood on forum drive selling drugs and I see 2 black vehicles and I go to the back of 1 and see the licence plate and I remember it as a guy I took to hospital and asked who drove it then the guy who drove it came out and said he remember me and spoke to me about a gang him and his friends are starting and I think he was trying to invite me but I got banned before the convocation ended but right before I got banned I asked him if the gang was official with the 'gods' as I don't wanna join something that could get me in trouble I said 'gods' because I've heard people say it before instead of admin

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned because I didn't know that it was a ban able offense I only said gods instead of admin because I've heard many people refer to them as gods.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I think you have mistaken the reason as to why you are banned.

Find the rule you broke, read it. Then come back to us after you thought about what you could have done for this ban to be placed on you.

I think i was reading the wrong rule. I've found the rule that I didn't break : 

(2.3) Microphones are required on RPUK servers.

I have a microphone and when I was banned I wasn't asked to prove it they didn't even speak to me I think there has been a misunderstanding with the ID's I can prove to you that I have a microphone 

Look again there are 3 sets of rules Altis life rules, GTA rules and community rules. Each start with a letter before the rule number for example a GTA ban would have been G2.3. So look again and then do what stavik asked you to do.

@Robbie image.png 
it says here C2.3 so its a community rule which is (C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to re-join the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first). which I don't recall doing. The worse crime that I've been involved with the police was beating a grouppe 6 officer which I got arrested for very confused why I haven't been in any gang situation to combat log in. I can't remember anything

So you don't remember flying around at all? I'll let that rejog your memory and then you can tell me what you did and why you did it.

I'm not going to spoonfeed you of what you have done. That's for to come clean about if you want unbanning. I'll give you one last chance to come clean.

Well if you want to play the "I have no idea why I was banned card" I won't bother either. 


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