Larry Bones
Active member
- Location
- Bones
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Keiran Jerome
Steam ID: 76561198069488214
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19350
Ban Reason: G2.6
Why do you think you were banned: Using OOC for other than help, which I have already received a warning for.
Why should we unban you: I have found myself back here for the 3rd time due to my extended use of of OOC chat and wish to plead my case of being allowed back into RPUK.
After my ban for exploiting, specifically 3rd person shooting, I was given a six month probationary period which put me under the terms of any ban equals a permanent ban. In the 5 months and 15 days that I was under these terms I provided nothing but clean, admirable and enjoyable roleplay. I spent my time juggling gang wars and providing food service down at Up-N-Atom with the rest of the team which I will miss.
On to the ban that finds me here again. There was an announcement put out that randomly throwing snowballs at people is still classed as rdm. I found this funny as did other members of the community, the idea of being reported for throwing snowballs at people made me chuckle, but this got the best of me and I decided to input 3 messages that did not contain any content of needing help into the OOC chat which led me to receive a 24hr ban which was then swiftly updated to a permanent. I got a little carried away when seeing the faster than normal OOC chat flowing in the top left. From here all I can do is express my regret in putting these messages in and my disrespect for the rule itself.
The chat is there to receive and give help, from quick fix technical issues, what key is it to do what or on demand staff help, which I can say I have given plenty. I have used this chat in the correct manor I would like to say extensively but as said above I ultimately got carried away
I believe I should be unbanned because these past 3 bans, yes all permanent, my roleplay has not been in question. I have not received any bans or warnings for negatively affecting other peoples roleplay. I say this not to downplay my previous bans and this one as the rules are in place, FiveM or community, to keep things fun, immersive and non toxic. I wish to show I am truly here to provide immersive roleplay, but my ignorance for the G2.6 rule has landed me where I never thought I would be again.
Apologies for adding to the chaos and thank you for taking your time to read - Keiran
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes