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Unban Appeal - Ky - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
A Place Which Is Unknown
Unban Appeal for Ky 

In-game Name: Kylxn

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198197366579

Ban ID: !!rpuk10263

Reason given for your ban: (G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for not following orders from a guy who had a weapon pointed at me.

Why should we unban you ?: After taking a couple of months off my PC itself I've had a long long think on so many ways I could've handled the situation that night, from when it all started on the bridge, then taking it to liaison. Now having them 2 months thinking about what happened, I fully put my hands up and apologize for how the RP turned out, in fact, how 'I' roleplayed that scenario. It wasn't polite, but we both were at each other's necks. I think it was more to do with how I wanted to RP my character and from this experience, I don't think that can run tbh. I've been thinking of so many ways to improve my RP starting with an introduction, actually helping people out. With my RP all it was about was selling a bit of weed, coke and robbing people, so my interaction with people ain't the best so that is something I will be working on. His IGN was Eziekiel Montoya, he was actually sound enough in Discord but I hope we can sort this out mate and hope to see you in the city again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there. 

So why did you decide it was a good idea to run away from a gun pointed at you? Had you read our rules prior to this happening?

Like I said pal, in my 'roleplaying' experience I wanted to be similar to 'John Wick' or Jason Statham'. Where they actually use their brains to find ways out of them scenarios. I have read the rules. "Read twice. Play forever." that's what I got told lol. 

The RP that night from was terrible. Yes, I should've stopped, yes I should've listen to his demands but I just wanted to act it out like a movie scene - but evidently this is not allowed. If I were to get unbanned I would not be playing the same character I am now. I would be changing a whole new version of roleplaying for me. I really do hope you can give me another chance and I hope that I can prove the whole community right.

This server is serious yes but the things that come along can be life changing. It is so good to jump into a city where it's 300+ every night,  to be accepted, to actually engage with people and make moments. I do really love the city it's a great laugh.

Again I would like to apologise for my actions that night.


What would you do differently if that situation was to happen again? 

With having all this time - I have been watching videos from people within the server and how they handle their encounters with robberies and kidnappings etc.

If this were to happen to me again, I would make it my duty to provide the best RP. I can already think of so many ways to handle it. Starting with complying, asking them want they want, why they are doing this, bring a whole storyline behind it. Make it so the person who is robbing me has a really good experience.

I want to make it where you will never have to see me in the report appeals ever again. I actually want to get my name out their in the city and meet a whole lot of new people. 


What are your plans for your character what are you going to change? also, considering your last ban how can we ensure we won't see you here again?

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What are your plans for your character what are you going to change?
My new plan is, to start a new character, build a backstory on how he arrived in Los Santos. What he used to do for a living, (and what I am looking to do in the foreseeable future) try and build myself up to get rich from nothing. I will be changing the ways I come across to people, as in how I speak, the tone of my voice, come across polite rather than being all 'chavy' like my other character is. I was more focused on selling drugs and being independent, so I didn't care how I spoke to people. But this would be changing 100%. 

also, considering your last ban how can we ensure we won't see you here again?
If I were to get unbanned, I will make sure to read the rules twice yet again to make sure that I will never ever break another rule. I hope for you to see me in the Approvals rather than this section. 


Right I will give you another chance, however, remember everything that was said here and keep it in mind, any further violations of our rules will bring you right back here and this time it won't be as easy.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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