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Unban Appeal - kopite kid0151 - GTA RP

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kopite kid0151

New member
Unban Appeal for kopite kid0151 

In-game Name: Charlie choo

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198930454395

Ban ID: C2.3

Reason given for your ban: Combat logged

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was in the middle of a scene not only that I just been arrested and just quit the game

Why should we unban you ?: I have been in community for three years now and never been in trouble I literally had one of the worst days ever,logged in and got arrested straight away for some strange reason I just quit the game there is no excuses and I hold my hands up i never will do it again and I have taken enough time where I am able to enjoy it again and hopefully you will understand that it literally is a one off

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there @kopite kid0151

This is not your Ban ID, rather Reason given for your ban. 

Ban ID: C2.3
Combat Logging comes automatically with a 1 month cooldown, considering you have been banned on the 11/04/2023, you can appeal said ban on the 11/05/2023. 
I will leave this unban appeal open and will not close it as we're only two days away, but will not actively look into it until those two days have passed. 

- Why did you combat log, what was going on that day? or through your head at that time? 
- Have you read our server and community rules? 


I combat logged because I couldn’t stay about for that long the time I had been checked in and sorted it wasn’t even about losing my stuff was more the time aspect which is totally wrong and I have never done it before and certainly won’t do it again if I haven’t got time to play out a scene don’t fly in,and yes I understand they rules and I always follow them apart from this isolated incident 

Hello there, 

So you combat logged, because you couldn't stay about for that long, why? - Why did you get yourself involved in an RP situation if you had to go? 
If you understand the rules, please quote the one you broke, explain in your own words why we have said rule on the server. 

I literally was only flying in to sort something an the police must of been chasing cutlass because I had nothing to do with the scene an I just flew in but the police got me involved which is right what they did also they have this rule to make sure everyone keeps the standard of roleplay a lot better and if everyone combat logged there would be no RP I am angry at the fact I did just log out but I can’t change that just never to do it again

I literally was only flying in to sort something an the police must of been chasing cutlass because I had nothing to do with the scene an I just flew in but the police got me involved which is right what they did also they have this rule to make sure everyone keeps the standard of roleplay a lot better and if everyone combat logged there would be no RP I am angry at the fact I did just log out but I can’t change that just never to do it again

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

Locked for 3 days due to bumping. 

Hello there.

How can we trust you not to break the server rules, if you've just broken the appeal rules.

Answering the question properly and more thoughtfully this time, please, how can we be sure that you'll follow the server rules if given another chance, especially as you've just failed to follow the appeal rules?

Honestly I simply missed the explanation of the the question you asked so I just sent it after it’s my first appeal so I didn’t realise it was a rule break I literally wanted to gain nothing from this at all just simply thought saving you send another message to get same answer I think it’s a bit harsh to say I can’t be trusted because of this just a genuine mistake 

You ticked the box saying that you had read the appeal rules, so I assume you actually did. If not, here they are again for you: https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/Guide:Unban_Appeal

Moving on. I get that we all make mistakes, but why didn't you attempt to contact staff ooc, or even the person dealing with you. There are so many ways that this could have been resolved long before we got to this stage. 

You have over 1000 sessions here, so you know the rules by now. You have to have known that you were going to get banned because of this. Why do it then?

I honestly just wasn’t thinking like that at that time lost my cool and done something that I have never done before I fully accept my punishment as a the rules need to be enforced to keep the standard of roleplay up,but I have never been banned and this time away has made me realise no matter what rulebreak you commit it’s not worth not being able to play I will 100 percent not do anything if this nature again just a moment of madness ,also apologies for me English not the best at writing 

Hello @kopite kid0151

The explanation ''I wasn't thinking'' doesn't hold up, You knew that what you were doing was a rule break and did it anyway.
But youre right, you've been a fairly clean player before this and you've patiently sat out your cooldown for a month so im going to give you a second chance today.

If for some reason you need to leave during a scenario in the future i will remind you that it is your own responsibility to contact the other party before you do so.
Keep in mind that following FBS, if you break any rules before your 6 months are up it will result in another permanent ban.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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