In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I had a few in game friends who combat logged a few times but alsoi dont know wether it would count as a cimbat log because i wasnt being chased but i scaped my prison transport and my dinner was going cold for about an hour because the transfer to prison took ages and after escaping and realised i wasnt being chased i logged off to go and eat my dinner. It was an innocent mistake. i dont know if this was the real reason as there was no reports or reviews on my ban as far as i'm aware it was very random.
Why should we unban you ?: I loved this server to bits, i played everyday and i felt that i made all my rp scenarios enjoyable and realistic for me and the other rp'ers. i Wish i could get a second chance to prove myself and reunite with my rp character and enjoy more encounters and rp scenarios. i have never logged out of the server with the intention of benefitting myself before and i never will i hope i can get a second chance i look forward to hearing back from the great team RPUK have.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
@KobraIt wasnt anything to do with a prison transport. You had died, come onto the discord and started asking people for help. When told that it wasn't allowed you logged out to save your items - combat logging. Ring a bell?
It doesnt ring a bell at all and this isnt something i can imagine myself doing is there any clips or anything to show me what the ban was for because when i was banned there was no explanation im not saying i dont believe you guys but i literally do not remember this at all I can swear that on my mums life. when you say i came onto discord to ask for help what was i asking help for? again i dont remember this scenario. all i can say is i can assure you if i logged out after i was dead then it wasnt because i was trying to save items i never played for items i played for the rp expierience, and i probably logged out because i had to go i doubt that i logged out when i was in a scenario and theres a chance i was going to have items taking off me. Thanks for dealing with this appeal.
omg im so sorry yes i remember this whole scenario now what happened was i believe i was in an rp situation where i was getting arrested or i was killed and i said /me need to relog i was having technical issues when i logged back in though i spawned in dead underground in a random apartment. i put in OOC and discord i need admin help and i waited atleast ten minutes but i didnt get any replys so i left as i had things to do and i thought that i could just join back another time and my death timer would reset and then i could be teleported out i remember im pretty sure i had a gun on me this is why i didnt want to just bleed out and respawn but i feel this was pretty unfair seen as i didnt get a warning or response and when i did try logging in to then ask for an admin to tp my character it then said i was banned for combat logging. i didnt see this as combat logging at the time, i can see i should've waited for support but honestly i didnt see any replys from an admin and i had to go. does this sound like the scenario i was banned for? Btw I do understand im in the wrong for leaving and waiting till the next day to get my character tp'ed as the people i was originally rping with wouldnt know this and pobably thought i just combat logged however this wasnt intentional and wasnt my plan and never will be i felt like i was done over by a game glitch. I have some discord messages from the day when i tried coming back in the city if they help.
To stop people ruining roleplay experiences and leaving mid rp mainly due to the fact that the person combat logging wants to save items in their inventory or avoid consequences giving them an unfair advantage over the other roleplayers involved. It ruins roleplay because it leaves loose ends to the rp and can feel like a waste of time to the players that have abided by the rules.
In the future I will focus my full attention into the Roleplay rather than my inventory. And if I was to die wether I’m stuck underground in a house or I die to another player I need to get help or play out the rp properly to ensure I’m following rules and all players can enjoy the server to their full potential. By the way if i’m lucky enough to get a second chance which I promise I wouldn’t mess up. I am happy with an account/ character reset, Im not expecting to keep my characters. Thanks