Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bart higgems
Steam ID: 76561199799356754
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19659
Ban Reason: c2.3 - combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: i think the reason i was banned for combat logging was because of me leaving while my death counter was still going thats the only moment that comes into my head I haven’t logged out during any interactions to my knowledge
Why should we unban you: i think i should get unbanned because this was a honest mistake i thought it would be okay for me to leave because there was no NHS in the city with a low server pop so thought i would just come back in the morning when nhs are on and i would rp it out but i realize that's not the proper way of doing it i should've just waited for me to fully die then log off for the night i see where i messed up me waiting for NHS in the morning would be unrealistic thank you for your time and I apologize I truly wasn’t trying to get around loosing my items on me I was just tired and had thought it would be okay to rp it out in the morning but that wasn’t the right call I could’ve just waited those 15 minutes thank you for your time
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes