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Unban Appeal - kingsloth2004 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for kingsloth2004 

In-game Name: tylan zorba

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: --

Ban ID: !!rpuk8431!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9 & C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i personally believe i was banned for G2.9 and C2.3 aka money/item exploiting and combat logging, as i am now aware that this is strictly prohibited and wont be tolerated i believe i have learned a long, hard earned lesson that has now changed me in a way, where i will behave from now on and not break any rules in the future of roleplay.co.uk as i will also prove myself and prove to the people reading this at the current time, that i will be unbanned for good reasons and intentions only as i want to take this server seriously as i even have most of my friends in the city too and i would love to play with them again some day, as stated above these 2 rules i have broken was over 6 months ago i believe, i also believe in redemption therefore its at best interest for me to get unbanned in my opinion, as stated i have learned my lesson and would love to carry on playing on this server thus i have gone over the rules more then 3x to ensure no further rules would ever be broken because as stated above again i really like this server

Why should we unban you ?: as i am now aware that this is strictly prohibited and wont be tolerated i believe i have learned a long, hard earned lesson that has now changed me in a way, where i will behave from now on and not break any rules in the future of roleplay.co.uk as i will also prove myself and prove to the people reading this at the current time, that i will be unbanned for good reasons and intentions only as i want to take this server seriously as i even have most of my friends in the city too and i would love to play with them again some day, as stated above these 2 rules i have broken was over 6 months ago i believe, i also believe in redemption therefore its at best interest for me to get unbanned in my opinion, as stated i have learned my lesson and would love to carry on playing on this server thus i have gone over the rules more then 3x to ensure no further rules would ever be broken because as stated above again i really like this server
thank you for your time and be safe

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

We've started off with a good appeal this time so lets keep this consistency moving forth. 

Now you mentioned in your last appeal you only combat logged that time, So explain what happened and why you combat logged in this situation. You mentioned it was your first time combat logging so what made this situation different? 

nothing makes the situation any different however what i did was un acceptable and strictly prohibited, as stated previously i have learned my lesson the hard way as no rules in the future will be broken again i have that to prove to my friends and the staff of the server as i expect to hold to that promise as i was saying there was no valid excuse for the combat logging, therefore it would not make it any different but as i said previously i believe in redemption and i want to redeem myself for the combat logging and money/item exploiting and prove to myself and you guys that i have learned my lesson and nothing like this will happen again thank you for your time 

When you mentioned you tried to talk to the others in side chat, Did you mean ooc or /me commands? Since I've mentioned the only ooc message you have sent within your last appeal and here. 

Lets say you are having computer issues down the line within RP, How would you convey this message to the other people you are roleplaying with? 

When you returned, Why didn't you value your life? 

When you mentioned you tried to talk to the others in side chat, Did you mean ooc or /me commands? Since I've mentioned the only ooc message you have sent within your last appeal and here.  (i meant to try and talk to them out of character i presume, i cant really remember since it was a long time ago)

Lets say you are having computer issues down the line within RP, How would you convey this message to the other people you are roleplaying with? 

(if im having issues with my computer i would try to continue the scene if i cant however i would say in /me i need to pop my head so that way im in character and dont break character, the people i was on scene with will then know i will be back etc once im back simply continue the scene)

When you returned, Why didn't you value your life? (i never joined back on the first day, took a break ages ago from what i remember however yes i did still combat log and its still not right what i did, at that time i was not thinking straight however thats already changed as i have read over the rules, etc.

Are you aware of what the /me command is there for? Since what you have stated would also break a rule in itself. 

Have you since read the rules? If so can you please quote the rules you have broken and explain in your own words why we have such rules in place? 

the /me is used for in game interactions for RP, etc (exampled) /me Washes car with wipes also my apologies, the rule that would have been broken is, G1.6 as whatever happens in rp must stay in rp therefore no issues outside of RP should be brought up meaning everything should be in /OOC instead of /ME but as stated after announcing it in /OOC join back immediately to resume the scene

Indeed, /me overall is used to enhance roleplay as you've outlined over just popping a message such as 'afk' relogging ect. 

Lets move this away from the combat logging and discuss the money transfer. Can you explain why this happened, What you we're looking to gain from doing such a thing?

about the money/item transfer/exploit i did not have anything to gain from it as i ended it giving all of it back to my friend as he changed characters and gave me everything from his old to new character anyways im aware that this is the Rule G2.9 as this is strictly prohibited too, my friend got banned and done for G2.9 but as stated i got nothing from it only he did but yh was not looking to gain anything just to help my friend because he wanted to change characters due to him being targetted from what i remember

You have seemed to contradict yourself with the above statement, Now you indeed sent money to your friend however they transferred money back to you also so in turn you did gain from this. So what was the goal in you and your friend doing so?

There must be a reason why you broke this rule, Help us understand why you did this.

We broke this rule due to the fact that we wanted more cars housing etc the usualy stuff reeally other then that, thats all i can really think of however my friend wanted to start a new character too with his prior items, etc

Surely there we're other ways to do this no? It would also be common sense that this wouldn't allowed since it isn't allowed in any games these days. 

Can you please quote the rules you've broken and in your own words explain why you believe we have such rules in place?

the rules i have broken, starting of with G2.9 money/item transfer between different characters, which is not allowed, the only ways i have broke this rule from my knowledge was via making new characters and giving my friend 35000 each time, again this rule is strictly prohibited and i am well aware hence the long punishment i have suffered C2.3 combat logging, done via leaving the game mid scene for instance leaving during a robbery or during a gun fight, etc. the only thing you can gain from this is the safety of your character as you have left the server etc, again this rule is strictly prohibited too these rules are in place to ensure a balance in what the player himself does within the server, in short words to keep everything in line and ensuring everyone is having a good time and creating rp scenarios

With bans of this nature the G2.9 rule, This does come with some conditions overall. Now you do have three characters so 2 of the three will be deleted, However you are fine to keep one character, You have named your Tylan Zorba character so I'll assume you wish to keep this one? If not please put the name of the character you wish to keep. 

In relation to the character you would like to keep a full wipe will be done of this, Meaning all money, Vehicles, Items ect will be removed. Basically the only things you keep are your RP memories, Do you agree with these terms? 

Lets say you and your friend want to buy something and you are slightly short down the line, How would you go about getting money for this? 

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so i would prefer all characters gone and start fresh completely however in terms of money ill make that from doing taxi driving and if i dont have 5000 aka the amount for a cab or to rent one i would do food deliveries or ask around in city for spare change

No problem, I'll go ahead and request deletion of all three characters as per your request. Please note this may take a bit of time to be completed however once this has been done we will update you and move forward with the appeal. 

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Wipe complete

Thank you Stavik! 

@kingsloth2004As requested we have removed all characters you did have and in turn you will be able to start over with a new character. I would take on board what has happened in your previous appeal and what has been said in this appeal and take is serious. I do hope not to see you return to this section of the forums moving forth so please don't let me down, If you haven't already be sure you are upto date with both the GTA and Community rules before you rejoin the server. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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