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Unban Appeal - kianwilliam - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Appeal for kianwilliam 

In-game Name: kayrhys

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198981460800

Ban ID: !!rpuk10337!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: for combat logging which was a mistake as I already explained in the discord chat that my head popped, the reason for this was because my electricity in my home went at early hours in the morning. I did put in the chat that my head popped, and no one replied or pulled me up for a word about it. I'm sorry this happened I should have explained further in the discord that my head popped with the reason. I have read over the rules about combat logging and how it is serious to the RP. i think there has just been a simple miss understanding that has gone on.

Why should we unban you ?: because I have never combat logged in any roleplay situation this is my first a time which also wasn't done on purpose. I can see how I got banned because I didn't explain fully what happened I just said my head popped. a should have said the full reason but I wasn't really sure if I could speak about it in the chat. also, this incident was on the 1/10/22 which was a day nearly a week ago and no one has said anything to me? we can replay the chase as I didn't even get caught my head popped mid chase. I still do apologise to any admin/staff or to the police officer for this inconvenience also check my record I have never combat logged while police chase me as I've been caught and been prison etc. Also, I would like to carry on my RP as I have a few scenes to carry on with people in the city. I also do enjoy playing on this server because the roleplay is on point also you meet some crazy characters which make my story line more interesting. I do understand you frustration and why I am here. I have done over 12hours waiting and sent an appeal already this is my second one apologising show this server is important to me.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


Last edited by a moderator:
Going to move this appeal to the denied section since you have an appeal open currently. This is to prevent duplicate appeals or in your case spamming of the appeals to try and get around a lock we have put in place.

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